Mr David Whewell | Principal

Talent Show Explosion of Interest 


Mr Stubberfield’s announcement at Monday’s assembly that entries are open for the Term 3 Talent Show has caused quite a stir with over 100 students visiting the office to get an entry form. These forms are also available online. We ask that parents support their child’s decision to enter and discuss the experience of performing in front of a crowd with them before they commit to participating. 


New Play Spaces Coming 


I will be in over the holidays to open up for tradespersons who will be installing our fourth playground and our double slide on the Prep hill. These additions, along with the three outdoor table tennis tables due early August, will provide more options for our children at recess and lunch (or afterschool if families wish to stay a while). The fundraising will also allow for more board games for lunchtime Library sessions and greater options in the sandpit which is always very popular.


United Approach


Over the past fortnight we have had a couple of incidents where students have made interesting choices and have not followed the school values. This is not uncommon in a primary school setting. What has been surprising has been the differing level of support from parents when contacted to discuss the best way to respond to the behaviours. When educators and parents can work together to support children the outcomes seem to be smoother and the chances of success much greater. 


Special Food Day Success


Yesterday’s special food day was a resounding success with over 550 students participating. We needed to order close to 100 pizzas from La Porchetta Mill Park, who did a great job supporting the team of volunteers who helped Laura across the day. The money raised will go to enhancing our Library resources. Thanks so much to the six mums/grandmothers who assisted our staff.   


Upcoming Events in Term 3


I am sure that like my own family, many of you have a busy calendar at home full of children’s activities and appointments. To assist you in your organisation, can I bring to your attention a couple of upcoming events in Term 3. School returns on Monday 15th July. We have a whole school Curriculum Day (student free) on Monday 12th August and a 3 Way Conference Day (student’s only) on the last day of term on Friday 20th September. Year Three Camp is scheduled for September 4th. 


New Assembly Time


For Semester 2, Plenty Parklands will be trialling a new Assembly time of 2:45pm on a Monday afternoon each fortnight. We hope that this has a dual effect of freeing up the valuable learning time that is available on Monday mornings and making it easier for parents to access the assemblies if they need to leave work a little earlier to see their child receive an award. Thank you for the parent feedback that led to this trial. We will review the benefits of both timeslots at the end of the year. 


End of Term Organisation


As we come to the end of Term 2, it is an opportune time to remind families that we have five days of learning next week with a final assembly at 1:50pm on Friday before an earlier that usual finish time of 2:30pm. For parents of our Prep to Year 3 students, the final David Skinner dance session is on this day as well!


David Whewell | Principal