(SCECS) Sydney Catholic Early Childhood Services

See the Winter Vacation Care Program and Booking Instructions attached below.
Dear Families,
We would like to remind you to secure your vacation care bookings by Friday, 21st July.
It's important to us that we provide the best possible care for your children during the vacation period. To ensure we can offer this service, we need a minimum of 20 bookings per day. If this minimum is not met by 21st July, unfortunately, we will have to cancel Vacation Care.
Your prompt action in making these bookings will help us to plan and deliver a safe and enjoyable experience for your children.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Are you interested in care on the Staff Development Day on Friday 5 July and/or vacation care?
Please click on the link below to register.
If you need assistance, reach out via clovelly.oshc@syd.catholic.edu.au or call 0408445233