Student Leaders News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award will be given to a student who demonstrates

one or all of our school values:    

    Community   Excellence   Respect

No Ignatian award this week.


Class Awards   from Week  9

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness shown in their classroom this week. 


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



Jordan Taking deep breaths to help him stay calm and get ready for learning!

Prep SV



Chloe For her wonderful attitude to learning!

1/2  AS



Sage for her wonderful drawing of God’s Creation.  Well done Sage!

1/ 2  DG



Maddie For her consistent big efforts in her learning and contributions during class discussions. Well done Maddie!  





For always arriving at school ready to learn, with a big smile! 

Well done Edison! We love your energy! 


3/4 TR









For great research and preparation for Honey Bees oral presentation in Science.



Great effort in completing his animal habitat diorama.

3/ 4 MG



EnsmosA great first week back to school! Taking responsibility of his learnings and giving 100%

3/ 4  VA




His thoughtful contributions to class discussion and his outstanding efforts in all his learning. 




5/6  FA




Showing great leadership in her role as House Leader of Montserrat.






5/6 BOC




Thank you Lucy for bringing such a warm and positive presence to our classroom. We are so lucky to have you in our class.


Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton

Thanh Thao and Ondrea  3/4 SK



For their wonderful work as scene partners and their detailed miming of a situation.





Mrs Mcleary


3/4 MG 

For showing great persistence in the game and staying focused in PE


Ms Colleen


Hannah  3/4 TRExcellent fact sheet about green sea turtles

Visual Arts- 

Ms Colleen


Raphael 1/2DGHis amazing cartoon spider


Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term Two          Week 10

Present: Chloe Lendrick Chelsea Amelia William

Hannah Cesafino Angela  Ari  Clem

 Anthony Vihaan Mikayla


Date: Monday 17 June 2024

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


***Soccer free Wednesday for  Year 5/6 will continue until the end of term


A huge thank you to Claudia, Mrs Recce’s sister,  for putting together the 

cubby house for the Prep students.


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK 8 sounding out words and writing

Prep SV 10 Focusing on our learning and giving everything a try, handwriting and performing arts

1/2 AS 7 learning about adjectives and reading stories

3/4 TR 9 information reports, group work and presenting our amazing dioramas

3/4 MG 7 math and collecting data in bar graphs

3/4 VA  8 learning about different graphs to represent data

5/6 BOC 9 focusing on student leds, Esmart

5/6 FA - 8 Using “Book Creator” and  we are paying attention in Data Rep


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK 8 packing up our things quietly and keeping our class tidy

Prep SV  8 speaking nicely to each other and including others in our game

1/2 MB  8 we are better at listening and reminding to be kind to others

1/2 DG 8 asking each other to help with spelling , working in groups

1/2 AS 8 we all have to help each other and listen to the speaker

3/4 TR 8 most people are listening but some are getting distracted, Move people who are talking to the front

3/4 MG 7 some people still choosing only their friends to work with 

3/4 VA 8 finishing our work well and not rushing

5/6 BOC 10 keeping our focus on challenging tasks 

5/6 FA 8  Keep noise down and remind others to walk down the stairs



Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • Semester 1 reports will go home today - Monday
  • All classes are preparing for student led conversations on Wednesday
  • Winter Gala on Friday for Year 5/6

What can we improve

 on this week:

  Class                     Actions

Sharing the main yard- basketball, junior soccer and down ball area 


Soccer free Wednesday for the year 5/6 will continue until the end of term



Lots of students are playing in this area so everyone needs to be aware of the games and share the space.


Too many games in the area

Playing tag on the adventure playground



Running in the playground and jumping off the equipment






Safety for everyone is important and playing tag is not allowed as there are many students on the adventure playground , including Preps, that want to enjoy the equipment.

Jumping off the equipment is not safe and we need to look out for everyone.



Keeping the tanbark and sand off the slide.

Sand stays in the sand pit.




This makes the slide dirty and we want our uniforms to be clean and tidy

Suggestions from the SRC

  • House lunch to celebrate the end of term
  • “Free play” for the winner of the House points for this term- this will be announced at assembly

Safety issues from the SRC

  • Slippery leaves on the ground especially outside junior area
  • Tan bark and rubbish in the bubblers


If at any time you would like to chat about anything wellbeing related at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself. 

Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader