
Volunteers are being sought to assist with the running of the whole school Athletics Carnival on the 5th August. If you are available and would like to help out please click the link below to sign up. 

Braves Bicknells School’s Cup

St. Monica's Bicknell's Cup basketball team was unsuccessful in the Grand final last Saturday night. Eaglehawk North Primary School were the Winners. However, St Monica's showed great sportsmanship and had lots of fun. Well done team!


Run Club

Students and parents are invited to take part in out weekly run club. 

Walk/run as many laps of the school oval as you can from 8.10 - 8.30am every Friday morning. It's not a race, you set your own pace. Challenge yourself to better your lap count each week. Proudly wear your run club achievement badge for the day and encourage your friends to come along. 

Just sign in at the gate on arrival and participate to the best of your ability. 

New runners welcome. See Mr Epps if you have any questions.  



Community Sport & Activities