Office News

Last Day of term - Friday 28th June, 2.30pm finish

We will end the term with an assembly at 1.45pm to finish at 2.30pm.  

Office hours during the holidays 

Office staff will be available onsite and by phone on Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th Friday 12th July during the second week of holidays.  


First assembly will be Friday of the second week of Term 3 and newsletter the following week. 


Absent on lunch order day 

If your child is going to to be away on a Friday and you have ordered a lunch order, these do not automatically get placed on hold as the canteen until the week after unless you notify the office to do so. Please call the office by 9.30am on Friday to notify of absence and to hold lunch order. 


Sharing Money

Please talk to your children about bringing and sharing money on canteen days. This is not permitted as it is very difficult to monitor. Children are responsible for their own money and ideally they would have the correct amount for what they would like to purchase at break times but we know this is difficult to predict. 

Please remember to supply a lunch order bag/container when you place a lunch order. Students place these bags in the lunch order tub in the classroom by 9am Thursdays and their lunch order will be packed in it on Friday. Please make sure it is clearly labeled with students name and class. 


Lunch order wallets are available through the Uniform Shop for $12.



Please note that we are now wearing Winter uniform. 

Football/Netball Club hoodies are not part of our uniform. 

Please do not wear them to school. 

There are lots of bomber jackets in lost property both at school and YMCA after school care. Please check lost property and be sure to label uniform items clearly so they can be returned to owners. 

Ordering Uniform on CDF Pay

If you are placing an order via CDF Pay you may get an "out of stock" warning, you can still complete your order by clicking 'OK',  we do not have the item in stock at present but this will alert us to order it in and you will receive it as soon as it arrives.



Click here for more information about school uniform.
