Out of School Care 

Before School - After School & Holiday/Pupil Free Day Program

YMCA After School Care and Holiday Program

After School Care at St Monica's is provided by YMCA from 3.30pm - 6pm, Mon-Fri.

Enrolments and bookings are managed through an online system called "My Family Lounge." To enrol your child in our After School Program or submit a booking request



Before School Care at St Monica's

Before School Care takes place in the school Library and is supervised by a staff member between 8am and 8:30. 

Students who arrive before 8.30 will be asked to attend before school care. This is the only supervision provided at this time until 8.30am when there is a staff in the classroom and on the lower yard.

Booking and Payment

Bookings can be made per day at $5

or per week at $10 (up to 10 weeks)

Payment/bookings can be made by CDF Pay. 

or you can see the office to pay using EFTPOS.