Joel McDougall
Senior-Sub School Manager
Year 11 Exams
As exam week ends, the Senior Sub School would like to congratulate the Year 11 students on their conduct throughout their exam period. Their teachers will be marking these exams shortly with students’ results being posted for families to see in the coming days.
Any students who have missed exams will be required to catch-up on their exams in the coming week prior to students going on break. The YLC team will schedule these times with students.
VCE VM Activity Week
At the same time VCE students sit exams, VCE VM students are completing a certificate week with students having the opportunity to complete a barista course, RSA and First Aid as well as a Food Handling Certificate. Students embraced this wonderful opportunity and have gained valuable experience and certificates to use in presenting themselves to potential employers.
Semester 2
Semester 2 starts on Monday 17th June which brings a change of units. Students could see a change in their timetables with the possibility of different teachers taking classes. Students are encouraged to check Compass for any changes and consult the Senior Sub School as soon as possible if there are any gaps or missing classes. A reminder - if a Year 11 or 12 VCE student is absent on the day of a SAC or SAT, a medical certificate must be provided, shown to your classroom teacher and the Senior Sub School Office, to arrange a time to complete the task. Failure to do this may result in a ‘0’ and a redemption will need to be arranged.
Year 11 into 12 Subject Selections
Subject selection for Year 11 students is fast approaching. More information will be given out at the beginning of Term 3. Students are encouraged to research all available subjects on offer on the school website.
2024 Year 12 Jumpers
In the coming weeks, Year 11 students will be able to try on a sample size for a 2025 Year 12 Jumper. The ordering process for jumpers will be outlined to the cohort at an assembly in the first week of term 3.
Year 12 ISPs
At the start of semester 2, year 12 students with independent study periods (who have completed the online permission form), could have the privilege of signing in late and signing out early if they have study periods. Students are encouraged to use this ‘Study Leave’ time wisely to ensure revision and work is completed in a timely manner. Please see Mrs Cropp if you have any questions around ISPs. ISPs are a privilege, not a right and the YLC team will have no hesitation in revoking the issue of an ISP for those students not showing the responsibility to have this opportunity.
As we are coming into colder weather students are reminded to follow the uniform policy and wear the school uniform with pride. If you need any assistance with your winter uniform, please speak with your Year Level Coordinator or Homeroom Teacher.