Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Wishing all members of our school community a very blessed feast day as we celebrate the faith filled life and legacy of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop!
What a day we have had! Today we have come together as a community to give thanks for St Mary through prayer at our whole school liturgy, we worked together in teams to learn about St Mary's life, celebrated with our school disco and enjoyed a special teat with our homegroup.
Thank you to Sarah and the Faith and Mission leaders for leading our beautiful whole school liturgy and to Kristie and DJ Junior for organising our disco!
Our students have focused on the qualities and values of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - a woman who trusted in God, never saw a need without doing something about it and treated others with respect and kindness. These are the qualities we want to instill in our students at home and at school and should be modelled by the adults in our community. Thank you for being role models to our students just like St Mary MacKillop.
The spirit of Mary MacKillop was shining in everyone today!
God of all of us,
Thank you for giving us, St Mary MacKillop.
Help us to be the best that we can be, so that we can share Jesus’ love to everyone we meet.
Through St Mary MacKillop’s example, may we love God more, through our kindness and actions.
We ask You this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Next Friday, the 16th August, is a Pupil Free Day for students as staff participate in Faith Formation. This professional learning is a requirement for staff who must maintain their accreditation to teach Religious Education to work in a Catholic school. On this day the staff will continue our learning from last year about the life of Mary MacKillop, Jesus as her model and how we can live by this example in our lives and as educators.
Congratulations to our Foundation Students who celebrated their first 100 days of school on Tuesday! We are all very proud of you!
Check out our Instagram account for highlights of this week and more! @smcmeppningnth
We wish our Year 4 students well as they embark on their Camp Experience tomorrow at Lady Northcote Camp in Bacchus Marsh. The students will depart at 9am and return at approximately 5pm. Follow their adventures on Instagram and keep an eye on Audiri for arrival updates.