Community News

HPS Mini-Olympics 2pm this Saturday 22nd June @ HPS Sporting Field 


With 6 weeks to go to the 2024 Olympics in Paris, we are going to have a super fun day this Saturday (22nd June) at Hampton Primary School’s inaugural Mini-Olympics starting at 2pm.


OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALLIST, STEVE HOOKER.Our very own HPS Dad, and Olympic Gold Medalist, Steve Hooker (Pole Vault, 2008 Beijing Olympics) will open up the event with a Q&A from the crowd, and then a photo with his actual Olympic Gold Medal. Don’t miss this rare opportunity for the kids! 


WHEN: This Saturday 22nd June 2pm-5pm 


WHERE: HPS Sports Field (it’s not an oval)


WHO: All HPS families are welcome but events are for adults only, and only current HPS parents


INCENTIVE TO VOLUNTEER: A few dads and mums have already put up their hands which is awesome thank you! We do need more volunteers and there is an incentive. All those volunteers that put their hands up, show up and do the work for a couple of hours will not only get an up, close and personal to super-human feats, but the dads, or the male partners of the volunteer mums will get guaranteed entry to, and first priority pick on which, dads-kids camp they would like to attend so please let Mark know if you can help out (



It is a fun family day so kids are definitely welcome as it will be inspiring to hear from Steve Hooker and get to wear his medal. BUT the events are strictly for dads and mums for safety reasons and also we don’t have the time for kids to compete as well. We have 600 kids at the school from 400 families so if we opened it up to kids as well we could theoretically have 800 parents and 600 kids wanting to have a go at each event. Over 3 hours, we would need to get through nearly 8 people per minute per event which is clearly impossible. To avoid their disappointment on the day, please let your kids know in advance that they won’t be having a go. And please tell them not to ask the volunteer marshalls if they can have a go as the answer will still be no.



The mini-Olympics will be a fundraiser for the school so there will be a small entry fee for each event with all proceeds going to HPS. We have 5 events so it will be $2.50 per attempt in each event or $10 to compete in all 5 events. 



There will be some great prizes for each mum and dad winner including packages to the Regen Wellness Centre, Stomping Ground Brewery, Dad’s-Kids camp and many more so don’t miss out!! 



As we will potentially have hundreds of entrants, we can initially only let each HPS parent have only ONE (1) attempt in each event. Based on the numbers we get on Saturday, we will ascertain on the day if we can then enable parents to buy another ticket and compete a second time in each event. There will be a central table where you can purchase your tickets for each event.


FOOD & DRINKS: BYO picnic rug, picnic and drinks. Please note that glass is not allowed for obvious reasons so no wine or champagne glasses, no glass beer bottles, only cans please. And you need to take home everything that you bring in to the school, so we take all rubbish and leave the school cleaner than when we arrived. It is a family event so please drink in moderation.



2pmQ&A with Steve Hooker, then photo opportunity with Steve’s medal. Please note we will be starting promptly at 2pm
2.30pmTicket sales begin

The following events will run in parallel starting at 2.35pm:

  • Longest AFL kick
  • 20m sprint
  • Javelin (rake) throw
  • Vertical leap
4pmWheelbarrow race - Womens
4.15pmWheelbarrow race – Mens
4.30pmPresentations – There will be great prizes for the mums and dads’ winners for all 5 events (see above)
5pmEvent ends


This is a fun event run by volunteer mums and dads so let’s not take this too seriously but we clearly need some guidelines.


All events

  • One attempt per bought ticket
  • One attempt only per event (unless there is time for a bought second attempt after all parents have had their first go)
  • Unfortunately we don’t have time for practice attempts in any of the events
  • The volunteer event marshall’s decision is final
  • If you disagree with the marshall’s decision: a) we’ll have a mirror to take a good look at yourself and b) you’ll be disqualified for taking things too seriously 
  • This isn’t a school event and is not covered by any insurance so you are competing at your own risk

Javelin (rake) throw

  • The throw must be made from behind the assigned line
  • The throw must be made overhand with the hand gripping the wooden rake shaft 
  • The throw will be considered a foul if any part of a foot lands on or over the assigned throwing line
  • The javelin (rake) must land tip first; if it lands flat or tail first, the throw is invalid
  • The distance will be measured perpendicular to the centre of the assigned throwing line so straight throws are rewarded
  • The longest mum’s throw and the longest dad’s throw will each be marked with a different coloured witches hat
  • The longest thrower’s names will be held by the volunteer event marshall, and replaced each time a longer throw is recorded 

Longest AFL kick

  • The kick must be made from behind the assigned line
  • The kick can be a drop punt, barrel or any style kick other than a place kick 
  • The kick will be considered a foul if any part of a foot lands on or over the assigned kicking line
  • The distance will be measured from where the ball first hits the ground
  • The distance will be measured perpendicular to the centre of the assigned kicking line so straight kicks are rewarded
  • The longest mum’s kick and the longest dad’s kick will each be marked with a different coloured witches hat
  • The longest kicker’s names will be held by the volunteer event marshall, and replaced each time a longer kick is recorded 

Vertical leap

  • HPS Dad, Robbie Campbell from Rookie Me, will be running the vertical leap
  • Robbie will utilise the AFL Draft Camp methodology to standardise the vertical leap measurement based on everyone’s height

20m timed sprint

  • This is not a race but a timed 20m solo sprint
  • The 20m track will be marked with a starting line and a finish line
  • Electronic timing gates will be set up at the start and finish lines
  • The sprinter will start from a static standing position with both feet behind the starting line and no hands touching the ground
  • The timing system will be triggered by the sprinter crossing the starting line and stops when the sprinter crosses the finish line.
  • The sprinter will be called to the starting line when the timing system is ready
  • The sprinter will signal to the timers when ready and are then allowed to begin their sprint when ready

Wheelbarrow race

  • ⁠Teams of two will complete an up and back course in the shortest possible time with one acting as the "wheelbarrow" and the other as the "driver."
  • The start will see the "wheelbarrow" lying face down and flat on the ground with two hands resting on the start line under their chest
  • The "driver" will stand behind the wheelbarrow. When the starter yells “Go” after “On your marks, Set, Go” the “Driver” will lift the "wheelbarrow" by both of their ankles and race towards the half-way line.
  • Once the “wheelbarrow” touches the half-way line of the course with one hand, the “wheelbarrow” and “driver” will swap roles and return to the finish line
  • If the "wheelbarrow" collapses or the "driver" drops their partner's legs, they must resume their positions before continuing
  • The first team’s “wheelbarrow” to touch the finish line with one hand, with both participants in their correct roles, will be declared the winner


  • The volunteer event marshall’s decision is final
  • If you disagree with the marshall’s decision: a) we’ll have a mirror to take a good look at yourself and b) you’ll be disqualified for taking things too seriously 
  • This isn’t a school event and is not covered by any insurance so you are competing at your own risk




Dear Principal, staff, children, parents, grandparents and friends, 

It is with great sadness that I let you know that I will be finishing up my crossing supervisor duties at the end of this term. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I need to take some time away from work. I do hope to come back in the future. I am very grateful for the time I have spent at Hampton Primary School and will miss seeing all of your smiling faces each day.

All the best for the remainder of the year!

Lots of love, Nonna Annalisa