
Cameron Azer | Assistant Principal                                                                                                                        Image: Grade 6 Migration Artwork                                                                                                                       

Numeracy with Michael Minas

Last week our grade level Strategic Leaders had the opportunity to continue our work with Numeracy Consultant - Michael Minas from the Love Maths organisation. Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of Numeracy Pedagogy and Assessment and each time our teachers have had the opportunity to work with him, it has enabled us to apply a range of engaging strategies into our classroom spaces.


Our focus has continued in how we can continue to improve teaching students at their specific point of need and build upon the supports and resources required to do this authentically and efficiently.  At Hampton, we know the importance of having a clear understanding of how our students learn best and what is required to continue to challenge them in all areas of the curriculum, in this case Numeracy.


Michael also provided a 1 hour Professional Learning session to all staff on the new Victorian Mathematics Curriculum 2.0 which will be assessed and utilised in all Victorian Government Schools from 2025. Michael made clear connections on how this will impact our focus moving forward, but also congratulated us on all our preparational work which has been done to ensure a smooth transition for all involved.


Michael provided us with clear points of action that can be applied in the short and long term and we look forward to continuing our work with him in Semester 2. If you would like to know more about Michael Minas and his work at Love Maths, please visit:


While NAIDOC week is on the 7th - 14th July, we will take the opportunity to celebrate this event in the first week back of Term 3. The official theme for 2024 is 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud' The design for 2024 has been created by Deb Belyea and is titled 'Urapun Muy'.


‘Urapun Muy’, from the Kalaw Kawaw Ya dialect of the Top Western Islands of the Torres Strait, means ‘One Fire’. The title of this work pays homage to Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people everywhere, as we all have that one fire: our passion for our culture.

This work has depicted the hands of the ancestors that have carefully dropped a burning ember on to a fire. This ember burns hot with intensity, stoking the flames, as it combines with the new fire. The linear detail shows the energy and power as cultural knowledge is transferred from the ancestors to today. Culture is the fire that gives us knowledge, wisdom and purpose.


For more information please see:

Semester 1 Reports

A reminder that the Semester 1 Reports will be published via Compass next Wednesday 26th June. If parents would like an opportunity to discuss any outcomes from the report once they have been released, you are always encouraged to contact the school.