Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                                                                 Image: new Grade 5/6 Sports Tops - design by Bailey Mifsud

As the final newsletter of the term, I want to wish all families a safe and fantastic break, if you’re lucky enough to enjoy one. To those heading to the mountains or closer to the equator, we hope you have a brilliant time as a family enjoying the slopes or the sunshine. And for those staying a little closer to home, dust off those board games, light the fire and enjoy not making school lunches for a fortnight!

We look forward to welcoming your children back on Tuesday 16th July. Monday 15th July is a curriculum day, with staff focusing on the refinement of formative assessment practices so we can ensure that all students are appropriately challenged and progressing.

Foundation Enrolments Due

For current families, please be reminded that enrolments for students beginning next year close on Jully 26th. Whilst this does feel some time away, the office will be closed for two weeks over the holidays and therefore I encourage you to get your enrolment forms in prior to the break. If you have any questions or would like a hard-copy form sent home with a sibling, please contact

New Sports Uniform!

After having an artwork commissioned some years back, the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan team have been identifying ways to ensure this artwork, which tells the story of Hampton Primary School from a First Nation’s Perspective, is prevalent in our school. We have been working with PSW to integrate this into our sports uniforms, with it already being present on our AFL tops. From next term, it will be the design for our sports uniforms. The design is eye-catching and will present a regular reminder of our school’s place in Bunurong Country. We look forward to Grade 5 and 6 students wearing the design going forward. 

For students with the existing design, there is no requirement to update. 


Tree Works

It is with great sadness that I share the news that we have to have the large Liquid Amber at the front of the school removed shortly. Our school undertakes regular tree audits as a part of OHS compliance and a recent audit found the tree heavily affected by rot and disease. We have sought multiple opinions and looked for ways to save the tree by bracing or other means, however, unfortunately, there is no alternative but for it to be removed, along with two dangerous gum trees, due to the risk they pose to your children. 

We will be replacing the Liquid Amber with a mature tree as soon as we can. 

Landcare Grant

I am pleased to share that our school has been successful in securing a $1,000 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant recently, which will help our school to further expand our gardening equipment and the scope of what we can grow. We look forward to this being presented at this week’s assembly, and thank Anne Hostein for her work in successfully applying for it. 

Container Deposit Scheme

Our school is a part of the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme, with you being able to help out in two ways. 

Cans, bottles and Tetra packs can be brought straight to the school and deposited in the bin near the Team Kids entrance/car park. For cans and bottles taken to another depot, such as the one near Kmart in Southland, the school is a registered charity to have any proceeds donated to (see barcode). We are grateful for the contribution these deposits make to our environment and our school, of which all funds will be put back into sustainability projects!

iPad Review

As many of you have seen, a survey was sent around regarding the school’s 1:1 BYOD iPad Program from Grades 4-6. As mentioned in a post last week, we very much value feedback and look forward to reviewing it in due course. Whilst the program is an operational decision, the partnership that we have with families and our community is of the highest importance, and therefore the information will be carefully reviewed. It will be considered in conjunction with other relevant information sources, such as an audit of pedagogy, curriculum requirements, teacher feedback and alignment to vision. Any review that is undertaken will take time, and therefore I ask you to be patient in seeing any action as a result.  

New & Important Dates

  • Semester 1 Reports on Compass: Wednesday 26th June @2:30pm 
  • Term 2 Concludes: Friday 28th June @2:30pm
  • Curriculum Day: Monday 15th July
  • Term 3 Begins: Tuesday 16th July
  • Prep 2025 Enrolments Close: Friday 26th July


Congratulations to Isla H and Rosie M who competed at the Regional Cross Country Championships last week. Both not only competed incredibly well but showed great determination in training to reach this level. After finishing 2nd, Isla will be heading to the State Championships. We congratulate her on this incredible result and wish her well!