Learning Across the 

Senior School

Student achievements 

Earlier this month, Loreto girls completed against 23 other South Australian schools in a 3-day da Vinci Decathlon. We are proud to announce that our Year 7 students took bronze in Art & Poetry, and our Year 9 students secured silver in Ideation and bronze in English! 


The da Vinci Decathlon is a 3-day academic competition that provides Year 5/6, Year 7, and Year 9 students the opportunity to compete as a team across ten diverse disciplines. From engineering, code breaking and art & poetry, our students were challenged in areas of knowledge and creativity. They took risks and generated ideas to solve quite advanced problems. We commend our da Vinci Decathlon team on their achievements!

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week falls between two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey - the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision. This year the theme was Now More Than Ever, a reminder to continue working towards justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 


This year we celebrated the week by sharing and learning language across different Aboriginal tribes. Students learnt about symbolism through Aboriginal painting artwork in the Senior School and chalk drawings in the Junior School, bracelet making, damper making and eating with delicious traditional toppings. Students attended a National Reconciliation Week breakfast and the Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration accompanied by Indigenous Student Coordinator Mrs Katie Kiosses Motlop. Students also attended the annual Reconciliation Week Assembly and SEAD lessons, as well as workshops, yarns and finally - a concert across both campuses by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musician Jessie Lloyd.


Jessie Lloyd is an Aboriginal singer, social historian and cultural practitioner of Indigenous song. Jessie takes audiences on a profoundly moving musical journey into the depth and diversity of Australia’s cultural identity. Jessie ran workshops with different groups of students throughout the day, holding a Junior School concert and answering student questions about Aboriginal perspectives on politics and social issues.


Indigenous rights are one of Five Justice Priorities of the Loreto Province of Australia and South East Asia: To learn more about the Loreto Justice Priority The Rights of First Nations Peoples click here: The Rights of First Nations Peoples - Loreto