Secondary News

Mrs Lakshmi Mohan - Deputy Principal/Head of Teaching and Learning 

Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary 

Duke of Edinburgh

A four-day/three-night Adventurous Journey will be held from 14 to 17 September which students can use for the below qualifications:

  • Bronze practice and qualifying
  • Silver practice
  • Gold practice

Any student who is 14 years or older can begin the Duke of Edinburgh program. If you are interested in your child participating in this opportunity, or would like more information on the Award, please email

Uniform and Jewellery at Sporting Fixtures

With our Term 3 focus on jewellery, we would like to remind all students that the Uniform Policy needs to be followed during sporting fixtures. If competing this Saturday, please ensure your child has the correct earrings, no necklace, and Clayfield sports uniform as communicated in the College App notice for each sport.

Pyjama Day: Ashburn House Fundraiser

Ashburn House invites all students to wear their pyjamas to school on Friday 19 July to support the Pyjama Foundation empowering foster kids. 


Payments for House Fundraising days can be made in one online payment via the College Website.

Chess Club

Chess Club is growing! We will be moving our Secondary Chess club to Monday afternoons this term. Starting Week 3, Monday 22 July, all Secondary students are welcome to attend. We will have a professional coach from Gardiner Chess attending to teach our students.


If you would like your child to be involved in this opportunity, please email


HPE Uniform

Health and Physical Education is a core subject in the Australian Curriculum for Years 7-9, alongside Mathematics, Social Science, English and Science. It is important that students bring their HPE uniform to practical lessons, as directed by their teacher, so that they can engage in learning and assessment for this core subject. Should a student not be able to participate in a practical lesson, an email from a carer is required prior to the lesson. To assist students who continually do not bring their uniform to practical lessons, students will receive an infringement if they don’t have their uniform and a carer has not provided a reason prior to the lesson. If a student does not bring their uniform 3 times in a term, they will receive and afternoon detention.


To assist students with organisation and time management, the College has allowed students to change in/out of their uniform at the below times:

  • Before school for lessons 1 and 2
  • At Morning Tea for Lessons 3 and 4
  • At Lunch for lessons 5 and 6
  • After school before going home, unless they have sport training

If a student has sport training before school and HPE in Lesson 1 or 2, they may stay in their HPE uniform until Morning Tea. Infringements will be given to students who stay in their HPE uniform for longer than required.

Key Dates

16 JulyYears 7-12 Academic Awards Assembly
17 JulyYears 7-12 Interhouse Athletics Carnival 
18 July Care@Clayfield Event: Judith Locke 
19 JulyPP-12 Pyjama Day Fundraiser 
20 July Cambridge Scholars’ Program Commences 
All WeekFaith Week 
Cambridge Scholars’ Program
22 JulySemester 2 Assessment Calendars published 
24 July Prep and Year 12 100 Days Celebrations 
28 July On the Green 
All WeekCambridge Scholars’ Program 
2 AugustPP-12 Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser
4 AugustYear 8 Redlands Exchange Program Commences 
All Week Year 7 ICAS Digital Technologies Test 
5 - 10 AugustYear 8 Redlands Exchange Program
5 - 6 AugustCambridge Scholars’ Program 
10 AugustISCF Bush Dance 
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS English Test 
All Week National Science Week 
14 August Ekka Public Holiday  
17 August OPUS 3
18 August Year 8 Pymble Exchange Program Commences 
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS Science Test 
All Week Book Week 
19 - 24 August Year 8 Pymble Exchange Program
23 August STEM Mentorship Breakfast
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS Maths Test 
All WeekYear 12 Mock Examination Block
28 AugustPP-12 Fathers’ Day Breakfast
29 - 30 August Duke of Edinburgh Bronze 
29 AugustOPUS 4 Concert
30 August Years 7-12 Student Free Day (QCAA Confirmation Meetings)
All WeekYear 11 Examination Block
2 - 3 SeptemberYear 12 Mock Examination Block
3 - 6 September Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 
9 - 11 SeptemberYears 11 Examination Block
9 September Year 10 Vaccinations 
11 SeptemberR U OK? Day 
12 SeptemberQGSSSA Track and Field Championships 
End of Term 3 
13 SeptemberStaff Day/Student Free Day