Message from the Acting Principal

Mrs Audrey Fellowes - Deputy Principal/Head of Primary

Dear Parents and Carers


It has been lovely to hear the chatter and excitement of the first week back to school, as friends, parents and colleagues reconnected after the holidays. The Secondary students have embraced the different look of the campus, as they came back to fences surrounding their classrooms and changed paths to follow. Whilst we understand the inconvenience of construction, we are encouraging everyone to continue their positivity as we wait in anticipation for a beautiful, new building in our school. The staff are monitoring noise levels and will respond to this accordingly throughout the term as we negotiate the upcoming events.

NAIDOC Week holds significant importance within our school community, fostering a deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, and achievements. This week allowed us to celebrate the richness of Indigenous heritage through various activities that educated and engaged students and staff across all levels. The week began when our staff came together on the Student Free Day on Monday, and Rev Yarrow led us through a beautiful Chapel service with a message of hope, unity and resilience. We are grateful to our Indigenous Senior students who have passionately led activities, within the Primary and Secondary Schools, promoting cultural awareness and appreciation within our school. Their efforts have enriched our knowledge and strengthened our school's commitment to reconciliation and unity.

I was so impressed with the level of commitment of students who began the term with a dedication to their co-curricular activities at early morning trainings and practices. With the first round of QGSSSA and Boys' Club Basketball this weekend, we wish all the students the very best in their sporting endeavours throughout the term.  On the Green and Opus 3 are fast approaching and it was wonderful to hear all ensembles continue their lessons and sessions as they prepare for these events.


In the Welcome Newsletter last week, you may have seen the reminder about updating Parent Lounge Details and reviewing Policies with your children. They are included below as they are important documents for your close attention.



Next week we welcome Dr Judith Locke to Clayfield College as part of our Care@Clayfield parent partnership series. Dr Locke’s insights as a teacher and psychologist has had profound impacts on school communities around Australia, particularly through her book “The Bonsai Child”. Her expertise in parenting and child development has provided invaluable guidance to families and educators alike, emphasising the importance of nurturing resilience and independence in children. Dr Locke's work resonates deeply with our values of fostering a supportive and empowering environment for every student. I have listened to Dr Locke on numerous occasions and highly recommend her.


Finally, my sincere thanks for your support during my tenure as Acting Principal. Dr Cousins will be returning next week following the completion of his Advanced Leadership Program at Cambridge University. We look forward to Dr Cousins sharing his valuable insights with us in the coming weeks.


Kind regards, 






Mrs Audrey Fellowes  

Deputy Principal - Head of Primary