Teaching and Learning

Meet and Greet Parent-Teacher Interviews
Bookings for Meet and Greet interviews with your child's classroom and specialist teachers are now open in Compass for Wednesday, February 21st from 1:30-6 pm (students finish at the earlier time of 1 pm this day). Bookings will close on Tuesday, February 20th at midday.
These are important meetings to help teachers better understand your child and for you to gain an understanding about the routines and rituals that will be implemented as part of your child's learning this year.
The goals for the Meet and Greet sessions are:
- For teachers and parents to meet
- So teachers have time to explain routines and what to expect as part of the learning in 2024
- For parents to ask questions
- For teachers to get to know more about the student
There are 10 minutes allocated to each meeting. If your chat requires a longer period of time, please feel free to organise another meeting on an alternative day.
This Friday all students in Years 1-6 will bring home their first lot of homework for 2024. Homework should be returned on Thursday next week signed by a parent/carer. This routine will continue throughout each school term i.e. new homework sent on a Friday and due back the following Thursday.
In addition to the homework sent home, students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 15 minutes each school night and record their books in their home reading log or diary.
Prep students only have home reading to begin with and may have phonics practice or similar as the year progresses (as determined by the classroom teacher).
Your child’s classroom teacher will have specific routines and rituals set up within the classroom for the changing of books and the monitoring of students’ reading. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you are unsure or need some clarity on this.
Homework records will be kept by all classroom teachers in Compass with the following:
- N/A - No homework handed out or student absent for the homework period
- Not Attempted - Homework has not been completed and handed in
- Partially Completed - Homework partly completed or not handed in on time
- Completed - Homework completed and handed in on time (including home reading)
Homework records will be visible by parents in your child’s Compass profile.
We strongly encourage parents and carers to communicate with your child’’s classroom teacher early in the year regarding any questions that you may have regarding homework and home reading. The meet and greet sessions are a perfect opportunity to discuss any questions you may have.
We thank all parents and carers in advance for your support of homework and home reading throughout the year ahead, it is greatly appreciated.
Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP)
We have a number of Year 5/6 students who have been selected for this term’s VHAP. The students below will meet weekly and participate in the program throughout the term, along with other like minded students from across Victoria.
Congratulations to the following students who will participate in the English Program:
- Kayla B
- Ella Jane H
- Ethan L
- Billie R
- Kirtley S
- Will S
Congratulations to the following students who will participate in the Maths Program:
- Vinnie C
- Noah M