
We are having a Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser. Delivery will be Thursday the 21st of March.
Further information to come.
Sausage sizzle and donut day will be on Friday the 8th of March.
Orders close Monday the 4th of March at 11.30.
Currently the canteen operates on Wednesday and Friday.
Orders need to be placed via QKR before cut off at 1.30pm the day before.
When logging on to QKR for the first time it will prompt you to update your child's profile. It is extremely important that you select the correct class for your child.
If this is incorrect their lunch order will be sent to the wrong class which can cause some confusion on canteen days.
Unfortunately, Sushi will not be available until Wednesday the 21st of February.
We love volunteers, if you can help out during the term, please contact Tracey either by popping up to the canteen or via email at We need 1 volunteer on Wednesday and 2 on Friday between 11am - 1.15pm. No experience is needed, we will show you everything you need to know.
Hot Chocolate and Coffee are available each morning in the canteen. Hot Chocolates are $3. Payment can be cash, eftpos or vouchers for 10 (get one free) are available on QKR or from the canteen.