Sports News 

Welcome back to an exciting year of sport at Tallebudgera State School. We have hit the ground running with our lessons and students are straight back into developing their skills. Term 1 is used to refresh and refine our fundamental skills needed for a variety of games that we will play throughout the year. 


Interschool Tournaments

This year we have a number of extra interschool tournaments that we will be competing in. These tournaments are offered to students in the upper grades. Students selected for these sides will need to commit to training during lunch and before school in the lead up to these tournaments.  


Term 1: Rugby union 7’s tournament, Oceanic surfing challenge 

Term 2: QCUP AFL tournament 

Term 3: Allschools Oztag tournament, Primary school rugby league challenge, Flag            


Term 4:  Allschools touch football, Oceanic surfing 


Whole School Swimming Program

This year our school will be participating in a Water Safety and Survival (yr 4 - 6) and Learn to Swim program (prep - yr 3). Students will be able to continue to develop their swimming skills and water safety through this program. 


Friday Sport

Our year 5 and 6 students will begin their Friday sport on the oval this week from 2:00 - 3:00pm.  The benefit of Friday sport is to allow our students the opportunity to hone their skills and compete against other schools. It also allows us to train on site which cuts down in time and cost of travelling to venues weekly. 


Term 1: Interhouse sport - Students will be exposed to a variety of sports that they will participate in with their fellow house mates. 


Term 2: Interschool challenge - Students will select a sport of their choice and train with their team every Friday at school. Later in the term there will be an interschool challenge against seven other schools.


Term 3: Interschool challenge - Students will continue to train in their selected sport. They will have two interschool challenge days against seven other schools in week 2 and week 7. 


Term 4: Recreational sport - Students will select a recreational sport such as mountain biking, surfing, archery, skateboarding, orienteering or golf. Students will participate in these sports on a Friday during school time.  


Oceanic Swimming

Congratulations to our swimmers who were selected in our school team to compete at the Oceanic District swimming carnival in week 4. Parents, please keep a look out on class dojo and QParents for information about the upcoming event. 


Oceanic District Trials

If your child is turning 11 or 12 this year and looking to try out for district sport, they must come to the window in the hall outside the PE office which has all the upcoming district sports for the year. Students must write their name down if they want to trial. As these are representative trials, we advise that students only select a sport they have experience playing. Only three students from the school can go. If more students nominate for a sport, we will run an in-school trial to select our top students to attend the district trial. Students have been told about this in their HPE lessons. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.    


Term 1 Upcoming Trials

Week 4: Touch football, netball, golf 

Week 6: AFL, rugby league, basketball

Week 9: Squash 


Have a great week!



Yours in fitness and Health 

Tallebudgera HPE Team