
I couldn't let the end of  year go by without recognising some amazing achievements of students and staff in the past couple of weeks.


Every day I am proud to serve this community in the role of Principal.  I thank you all for trusting us with your children, and wish you all a safe and relaxing Christmas and summer break.  

Academic Achievers & VCE Results 

A big congratulations to all the students who received awards at our Presentation Evening last night.   The list of award winners are apended to this newsletter.  


We were very happy to be able to recognise our VCE high achievers, inducted into our Club 90 (ATARs above 90):


Clare Murphy 

Dorsa Hosseini 

Jackson Jones 

Alice Chen 

Molly Fraser 

Nathan Lacis 

Jordan O'Connor 

Nicholas Filip 

Holly Clough 

Ishika Rochwani 

Eden Beveridge-Wood 

Liam Young 

Erin Martin 



The greatest academic accolade that can be conferred on a student at St Helena is that of Dux of the College. That is the student who achieved the highest ATAR score of that year.   

2023 Dux of the College is Emile Loewenguth, with an ATAR of 99.5


Recognition is due to the families who supported our high achievers, and the teachers who taught them over their 6 years at St Helena.  

Our overall VCE results were the  highest over the last 10 years, with 73.3 percent of students achieving an ATAR above 50, and 42.2 percent of students achieving over 70.  


Lyrebird Youth Theatre Awards

I was so proud to accompany members of our Performing Arts team to the annual Lyrebird Youth Theatre Awards last weekend, and I would like to warmly congratulate all our award winners, as well as the nominees.


My heart swelled to hear "St Helena Secondary College" read out so many times during the event!




Best Dramatic Performance (Youth Play): EDEN BEVERIDGE-WOOD

Best Performer in a Supporting Male Role (Youth Play): ROSS LAIDLER

Best Performer in a Lead Male Role (Youth Play): JACK COLLINS

JUDGES AWARD- BREANNAH ARNEL AND MOLLY ODGERS - For the outstanding makeup used for scarring in Frankenstein 



Best Lighting (Youth Musical) : TOMAS GERAMIDIS

Best Set (Youth Musical): PATRICK MATTHEWS

Best Ensemble Performer (Youth Musical): KOBUS VICTOR

Best Cameo Performer (Youth Musical): ERIN MARTIN

Best Musical Director (Youth Musical): BRUCE COOMBS


Staff Achievement

Congratulations to Assistant Principal who  has managed to achieve the Masters in Education (Language & Literacy) while working full time in her demanding role.  We are very proud of you Kate! 


Year 7 Boys Basketball 

I would like to belatedly acknowledge the Year 7 boys basketball team  who came 3rd in the state recently.  A great achievement!