Principal Post

Dear Families,
Happy New Year and welcome to SJV as we launch into 2024! To all our new students & families beginning at SJV for the first time, a very special welcome! We hope you settle well into our community. May our students meet new friends and be well supported in their learning and social endeavours! As a family, please sing out if we can assist. We particular welcome all our Foundation students and their families! An exciting milestone in their life.
We also welcome the following students (and families) beginning in Years 1-6, Johnny, Felicia, Paul, Daniel, Dominic and Chris! To all of you, welcome to the SJV family.
To our current students and families returning, we hope that you have enjoyed the
Summer break and change of routine and are ready and recharged to begin in 2024. I am sure our students are all looking forward to seeing friends, meeting and getting to know new friends and teachers.
As we begin a New Year, it is our hope that 2024 will be a most productive year. We aim for all our students to be immersed in purposeful activity enabling them to be flourishing learners. We aim for each student to be happy and to develop their emotional and social skills.
2024 Theme
This year our theme is "We are God's Hands".
We are invited to look out for others within our school and wider community to be the face, hands, heart and voice of God.
To this end our students will continue to have opportunity to pray, to sing and to be involved in social justice initiatives. We are called to be people of faith; prayerful, welcoming and compassionate.
School Newsletter
The school newsletter will go home electronically each Wednesday and is also uploaded to the website each Thursday morning.
Please take time to read and follow carefully important dates and events.
From the office
It is vitally important that the school has the most up to date information in our system. Should you need to update the following..
- Contact number
- Home address
- Email address
- Or if student details are incorrect
you must email
Anaphylaxis /Allergy/Asthma plans should be submitted on the first day of the Term. Parents are required to hand in the plan to the office along with your child's medication. Please do this immediately.
The Resilience Project
Please ensure that parents enrol for the Parent Night
Date: Thursday 15th February
Time: 6.30pm-8.00pm
Venue: Monash University, Clayton Campus, S1 lecture theatre: 16 Rainforest Walk (Bldg 25).
Click here for exact location.
(More Information and link for tickets is located on Student Wellbeing page).
Please Note that the Resilience Project Launch for Year 1-6 Student Launch will be held at Glen Waverley Primary School on 14th and 15th February.
An Operoo form will also be sent with Resilience Project excursion details.
Opening School Mass
Clapping In
Next Friday (9th February) we will have our Opening School Mass where the Foundation, new students and new staff are welcomed into the community through the clapping in ceremony. Also during the Mass, the School Captains will be presented with their respective badges. I know that they will be brilliant leaders for our school throughout 2024! Please see the RE News section of the newsletter for further information.
School Photos - Kids Pix
Our school Photos will be taken on MONDAY 12th February. Students are to wear Summer Uniform and black shoes.
If parents wish to have their child's hair 'out' for the photo, this is fine but please ensure that your child has a hair tie to use, post photo. More information to follow.
Kelly Sports
Please see Kelly Sports information in Community news if you would like to enrol your child.
Changes to School Daily Timetable
We wish to remind our school community that there will be some changes to the structure of the school day in 2024. There will be no changes to the start and finish time of the school day. However there will be a change to the time of lunch and recess breaks. Please refer to the 2024 School Timetable page for more information.