Dates to Remember

Important Dates for 2024
Thursday 1st February
- All students return 8:45am - 3:15pm
Monday 5th, 6th, 8th, 12th and 13th Foundation Student Wellbeing Incursion
Tuesday 6th Positive Behaviour Learning Presentation for Staff
Wednesday 7th Foundation Rest Day
Friday 9th Whole School Opening of Year Mass 9am -10am. All welcome
Friday 9th Captains badges presented at Mass
Friday 9th Clapping in of Preps at Mass
Friday 9th School Captains/ Year 6 Leaders Morning Tea 10am-11am
Friday 9th SRC Voting Years 1-6 due
Friday 9th Mini Vinnies nominations Years 3-6 due
Monday 12th School Photos
Monday 12th John Hannah House meet with 56A 1.30-2pm
Tuesday 13th Shrove Tuesday - Pancakes
Tuesday 13th Resilience Project Staff Presentation Monash University 4-5pm
Tuesday 13th Resilience Project Excursion 5/6 1-2pm
Wednesday 14th Ash Wednesday (9am & 7pm Mass)
Wednesday 14th Foundation Rest Day
Wednesday 14th Resilience Project Excursion 1/2 10-11am
Wednesday 14th Resilience Project Excursion 3/4 12-1pm
Thursday 15th Resilience Project Parent Information at Monash University 6.30-8pm
2024 Term Dates
Term 1:
Thursday February 1st - Years F-6 full time
8:45am start
Term 1 Concludes on Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Begins Wednesday April 15th
Concludes - Thursday June 27th
Term 3: Begins Monday July 15th
Concludes Friday 20th September
Term 4: Begins Monday October 7th
Concludes for students Tuesday 17th December