Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
Term 1 is in full swing and flying by! We have been busy from the start, with a big cook up day to start week 1 so we have a fully stocked menu for the start of term. We always welcome new ideas so if there is something you’d like to see on the menu this year, either a regular item or a special idea, please let us know by dropping in to chat before school or send an email to
Canteen menu update
An updated menu for 2024 is online on QKR! This shows our full menu and shows current availability so please use that to order when possible. The crispy chicken wrap special (we now have bigger wraps!) will continue to be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. As the term goes on, we will continue to assess which items are popular and which are not and changes may be made. Keep an eye out also for hot food specials and special menu days such as Sports Day.
Student reminders
When students visit the canteen, we ask that they show respect, line up, wait their turn and use their manners, just as is expected anywhere in the school. Students with frozen treat vouchers need to make sure they bring them down to the canteen to be able to receive their treat. When possible, please don’t send students with notes larger than $10 unless you are ordering lunches for more than one child, as the canteen does not keep a lot of change. Thank you.
Welcome to the new Preschool children! Preschoolers are welcome to order lunches, drinks, snack foods and Birthday Buckets. A birthday bucket can be ordered through QKR! (4 days notice is needed) on or near your child’s birthday for $20 and we will deliver enough Quelch ice blocks for all children attending on the day to celebrate with them! Unfortunately preschool children cannot order other frozen treats. Preschool families must use QKR! to order because they do not bring a lunch tray to us in the mornings. If you need to do a preschool cash order, please visit the canteen in person between 9-9.30am to place the order. If you need help setting up QKR! please come in and see us in the in the canteen or the school office so we can help you do this. Any lunch orders or Birthday Buckets will be delivered to the preschool at lunchtime by our reliable team of year 5/6 helpers.
Ordering cut-off time
The cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8.50am each morning.
Sometimes QKR! gets overloaded and takes time to process orders, so try not to leave ordering until the last minute! Any cash orders still need to be brought down in the class tray by 9.15am. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for. (Applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks and ice-creams can be held until the next day). To cancel, please ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late and wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.00am.
Our Canteen Needs You
We really need volunteers to keep the canteen running.
Volunteers enable us to cook our delicious, healthy meals onsite and keep our pricing low. Students also love to see their families being involved in the school community. We welcome mums, dads, grandparents, carers etc. and no experience is necessary.
The canteen operates 4 days per week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our volunteer shifts are from 9.00am until Midday (once lunches have been distributed). It doesn’t need to be every week. Just times that suit your schedule!
If you are interested in helping out, please drop into the front office and ask for a Volunteer Pack to get started.