Community Hub

Community Hub is Back
Community Hub officially started this week and we look forward to seeing some of the old faces from last year and hope to meet some new participants too.
Some of our free programs available to the school and the community are:
Monday 9am - Playgroup for parents/caregivers with children up to the age of 5 (at Pre-school)
Tuesday 9.30am - English conversational class (all levels welcome) friendly atmosphere
Wednesday 9am - Walking, coffee & chat
Wednesday 1.00pm - Sewing, Crochet & Knitting lessons (material & wool supplied)
This week our sewing group participants began sewing library bags for Paint the Farm REaD. This is a community project with Salisbury Communities for Children (Salvation Army) and has a focus on literacy for children under 5 years old. As part of the project, they give out library bags to preschool children. We are excited to be part of this, knowing what it will mean to the wider community.
You are welcome to drop by for a coffee or tea and chat anytime.