What's happening?

Autism Inclusion at Para Vista

Hi Families, 

My name is Lauren and I am the Autism Inclusion Teacher (AIT) at Para Vista Primary School. This is my second year in this role at Para Vista. This year I will be working as the AIT on Wednesdays and will be in P9 the rest of the week with year 2/3 students. I have worked as a teacher for seven years and have a passion for working with students with additional needs. I believe in developing strong relationships and creating positive learning outcomes for all students. Last year I completed my Master of Education where I focused my research on effecting autistic student’s behaviour through implementing differentiated teaching practice. I am excited to continue to support our staff to implement best researched based practice to build a culture which celebrates diversity.  I look forward to building collaborative partnerships with students and families to support all students. 

Supporting our indigenous students and families

I am Lisa McMahon, the Intervention & Inclusion Leader and the Aboriginal Education Teacher. I work collaboratively with class teachers, SSO’s and the AECO to design quality learning experiences that positively engage Aboriginal learners and lead to improved student progress and achievement.

The Aboriginal Education Team at Para Vista uses the DfE Aboriginal Strategy to support:

  • improved learning outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people
  • better attendance and retention rates of Aboriginal students
  • training to make sure teachers, education staff and leaders are culturally responsive.

Please contact me through seesaw or email lisa.mcmahon192@schools.sa.edu.au for any queries.



My name is Emerly McNamara and I am the ACEO (Aboriginal Community Education Officer) at Para Vista. My mob on my mum's side is Murramarang and Budawang, from the South-East New South Wales coast between the towns of Eden and Ulladulla. This area is also known as Yuin land. My dad's Mob is also from Central New South Wales. I am still connected to land and culture even though I grew up mostly in South Australia.  

 I have worked at Para Vista for 2-3 years and this year am also working at Norwood International High School. In my free time I enjoy cooking and I attempt to garden without much success. I also have two large and very spoilt dogs and enjoy reading.  

 I look forward to building positive relationships with the students and the school community here at Para Vista and will be at the school every Monday, Thursday and Friday.


Each year our year 3 & 5 students participate in NAPLAN testing. This year the window for testing is 13th-25th March which means the testing will occur during this time and not on specific days. The majority of the work is on an online platform and students are supported by teachers & SSOs where appropriate. If you have a child in year 3 or year 5, look out for an email with more explanation. 

Dates to remember

Below are important dates for the first half of the term and a link to the Term Calendar for the whole of term 1.

Week 3 
Tuesday 13/2 
5.30pm-6.30pmAcquaintance Night (Information on Seesaw & Facebook)
Friday 16/2 
Week 4 
Tuesday 20/2 
6.00pmGoverning Council AGM - Nominations welcome
Friday 23/2Principal's Tour for new enrolments
Week 6 
Monday 4/3-Thursday 8/3R-5 Swimming
Week 7 
Monday 11/3Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Tuesday 12/3Pupil Free Day
Thursday 14/3Year 6 Aquatics

Did you know?....

From 1 March 2024, new laws will ban smoking and vaping in a variety of public outdoor areas in South Australia. Regulations under the South Australian Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products Act 1997 are being introduced to address risks associated with passive tobacco smoking and passive inhalation of e-cigarette aerosol. This will occur through the creation of smoke-free and vape-free areas in a number of places including at early childhood services premises, and education and children’s services facilities (including schools), and within ten (10) metres of their boundaries. Please keep this in mind as we have an extensive boundary and need to work to support this change to the laws. For more information please visit. 

New smoke-free and vape-free outdoor area laws | SA Health


It's been great to see most of our students wearing school uniform on their return to school this year. Uniform is an important part of belonging to our school community and following our whole school expectations and we are happy to support anyone having difficulty in sourcing the items included in our guidelines. We understand that an item may not be available for a child to wear at times but do ask that this is communicated with your child's class teacher so we can support.

Our uniform shop has well-priced items for sale. These can be purchased from the office or on Qkr! Please see the attached price list.