From the Leadership Team

We are a team
What a great start we have had to 2024 with our students settling into their new classes and engaging positively in the learning during the past 2 weeks. Teachers have spent time working with their classes to look at our values and whole school expectations as well as developing a sense of belonging in each class by engaging in different activities to build a sense of community. We began to work on team spirit and belonging in our house teams too with a whole school picnic last Friday. As a school, we will be working on ways to extend the house teams and provide opportunities for students to earn points as a team, working towards a spirit/teamwork trophy at the end of the year. More information will be shared soon.
Welcome to our new staff
My name is Miss Cassandra, and I am the new year 2 teacher in V8. This is my first year as a teacher after years of working for the Department for Education in roles such as OSHC Educator and SSO. I have completed a Bachelor of Psychology prior to my teaching degree and have a passion for wellbeing. I love spending time with my big Italian family, baking sweet treats and watching Harry Potter or Cat in The Hat. If you see me feel free to say hello. I look forward to my time at Para Vista Primary.
My name is Miss Emily and last year I was a teacher in Port Augusta. This year I have come back to Adelaide to work at Para Vista Primary School and be closer to my family. Being an educator is something that I am very passionate about and I am so excited to be a part of this community. When I’m not at school I enjoy being at home with my three cats and listening to Taylor Swift.
My name is Emily King and I am excited to be teaching three days a week in the Preschool. I have taught in preschools, schools and disability units in the Northern Suburbs and Barossa Valley for the last six years and have a strong passion for play-based learning, inclusive teaching and nature play.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time going to the park and the beach... oh and watching too many episodes of Bluey and Playschool with my husband and two-year-old son.
After receiving such a warm welcome, I look forward to being a part of your school and preschool community in 2024.
We place importance on communicating with our families and the community. So that we can reach as many people as possible, we use a variety of methods to distribute newsletters, notes, event information and learning stories.
Each class has a Seesaw account which allows teachers to post photos and information that is relevant to their class. Through Seesaw, teachers can also contact individual families to share learning and communicate as needed. Parents can send messages to connected teachers in this way too.
Email is used as a way to communicate with individual families, generally by admin and leadership team members and is also used to send whole school letters and newsletters. If your email address changes, please let the office staff know so you can continue to receive our newsletter.
Para Vista Primary School has a Facebook page, which we often post event information and photos on, as well as sharing information from other organisations in this way. It's really simple to "like" our page so you can see some of the great things that happens in our school.
Yard supervision times
As we shared in week 1, our yard is supervised each day from 8.30am until students go into class at 8.50am. It is extremely important that students do not enter the yard and school grounds prior to 8.30am without adult supervision. Please contact OSHC if you need to drop your child at school earlier than this on a regular basis. If students arrive at school before 8.30am, they will need to wait in the office until the yard is supervised. Where an adult is at home and can supervise your child, we ask that you time their departure so that they arrive at school no earlier than 8.30am. We really appreciate your help with this for their safety.
Governing Council AGM
Our Governing Council AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 20/2 at 6.00pm and we invite all interested parents to come along and find out what a Governing Council is all about. During the AGM, we will share our Annual Report and information about our achievements in 2023, with some details of our 2024 priorities. We will also elect our new Governing Council and encourage anyone interested in being involved to have a chat with a member of the Leadership Team for more information. You don't need any experience or a lot of time; just an interest in what we are about at Para Vista Primary School and how we can develop our school to support our students and families. We look forward to having some new parents taking on this opportunity. Nomination information will be distributed in week 3.
With such a busy start to our term, we look forward to meeting lots of our familes at our Acquaintance Night next Tuesday. Come along for a free sausage sizzle (drinks can be purchased) and some fun!