This Week's Updates

Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our Prep students on completing their first term of school here at our St James Parish Primary School. We look forward to sharing their next twenty seven terms, over the next seven years, supporting these delightful students as they grow and develop into lovely teenagers!
Prep 2025 Enrolments
We have 14 enrolment forms handed in already and have had good numbers interested at our tours so far. To ensure our current family's siblings do not miss out on a place, please hand in your enrolment form by ANZAC Day. You can either collect a form from the school office or we can send one home with siblings at the school or you may download a form from our website.
Learning Conferences
These will commence on Wednesday afternoon and conclude on Thursday. Please be on time and have your children with you. Our Learning Conferences provide parents with the opportunity to discuss their child's learning, areas of growth and future learning goals. The students, with support from teachers have chosen some work samples to share with you at the conference.
Holy Week and Easter
Last Friday our Year Ones led us in a lovely prayer service focussing on Palm Sunday. The whole school were singing along as we welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem.
This morning our Year Threes led us in a Prayer service focussing on the events of Holy Thursday.
Our Year Fives will lead us in a prayer service focussing on the events of Good Friday later in the week on Wednesday afternoon, 1.30 - 2.00pm. All families are welcome to join us then.
Parish Holy Week and Easter celebrations at our St John's Church
HOLY THURSDAY 28 March - Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by quiet prayer: 7.30pm
GOOD FRIDAY 29 March - 9.30am Stations of the Cross, 3pm Commemoration of the Passion
HOLY SATURDAY 30 March - Easter Vigil: 7.30pm
EASTER SUNDAY 31 March - Easter Masses: 8.30am and 10.30am
Save the date from the P & F Major Social Function Crew
Mark your diaries for St James’ Major Social Event for the year!
The night is hoping to be one of the biggest fundraising events ever, so we need YOU to be there!
So block out the diaries, line up the babysitters and dig out the dress-ups for Saturday 15th June
Check out the attachments below.
Easter Fundraiser Collection
Collection for your delicious Easter food is from 3pm to 3.45pm on Wednesday, or if you are attending Learning Conferences on Wednesday afternoon/evening only.
No Marathon Club this week. We will resume on Wednesday 24 April
Building Works Update
We have completed the tender process and anticipate that the building works will commence early next term. We will need to make some slight adjustments to the property and the procedures for parking, pick up and drop off as the project advances. We will keep you all informed when these decisions are made.
VACPSP Conference at Lorne
Last week's Principal's Conference was filled inspirational speakers who spoke on a common theme of using your inner strength to overcome adversity and achieve your goals. Most parents will know of Craig Foster the former Socceroo Captain who spoke about human rights, social justice, anti racism and making a difference. You probably also know Jelena Dokic who spoke about her overcoming abusive treatment from her father to become a great tennis player and the confident person she is today. Many of you will also know of Saroo Brierley, the best selling author and subject of the academy award winning film "Lion" who told his story from losing contact with his family in India to being adopted and raised in Tasmania, then the struggle to finally find his birth mother back in India.
These three speakers were extremely inspirational.
Lost and Found
This chair was left behind at our Movie night. If it belongs to you or you know who it may belong to, please be in touch with admin before the end of term. If we have no luck finding it's owner it will be kindly donated to charity.
In Term Two students have the first couple of weeks to transition in to their winter uniform. Some students may choose to wear their summer uniform if the weather is warm.
Please make contact with Nicole Spezza at our second hand uniform shop or Spartan should your child require any winter school uniform items for next term.
Winter Uniform includes the following items:
- Winter Tunic or Gabardine Pants or Shorts
- Polo Shirt - long sleeve or short sleeve
- Zip Bomber Jacket or Yr 6 Rugby Top
- Optional Polar Fleece Vest
- Plain Navy Socks or Tights
- Black Shoes
Winter Sports Uniform:
- Track Pants or Rugby Shorts or Skort
- School Sports Polo - available from our second hand uniform shop (Preps continue to wear their house coloured T-Shirt
- White sports socks - no logos
- Runners
Coats, beanies and gloves are optional extras which may be worn to and from school but are not required in classrooms
Farm Update
Thanks to all the families who have volunteered over the school holidays to help with the farm. We are still in need of one more family for Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th of April, if you are available to help please send me an email .
Term 2 is fast approaching so here are the dates for Farm duty for next term. If you are available to volunteer for any of the below dates please send me an email with your prefered dates.
Sat 20th & Sun 21st April | |
Sat 27th & Sun 28th April | |
Sat 4th & Sun 5th May | |
Sat 11th & Sun 12th May | |
Sat 18th & Sun 19th May | |
Sat 25th, Sun 6th May | |
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd June | |
Sat 8th & Sun 9th June | |
Sat 15th & 16th June | |
Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd June |
Thanks very much for your support this term.
Upcoming events
St John’s Parish
2024 Women’s Retreat Weekend
“The Lives we Actually Have”
Tired? Hassled? Busy?
How does a weekend of rest, food, conversation, and some prayer & reflection sound?
You are invited to our parish weekend for women!
When: Friday May 17, 8pm to Sunday May 19, 2.30pm
Where: Pallotti College, McNamara’s Rd, Millgrove
Accommodation: in own room with shared bathroom
In a world of constant social media comparison, the lives we actually have can feel dull compared to others’. Let’s explore ways to reconnect with ourselves and with God amid this noise.
For further information and to book:
or contact Lorraine at
Are you a parent of pre-school for school-aged children? You probably need a break! The parish offers you a discount on the cost of this weekend.
Please come!
Upcoming Dates
- Please see Important Dates for further information.
Have a great week and a holy and restful Easter holiday.