Coburg Connect

During 2023, we consulted with parents, students and staff on what the renewed program should look like. Parents told us that they want more celebration of the extracurricular programs available at Coburg, as well as more help for students in negotiating the organisational aspects of school life. So far, there’s been a lot happening.
Year 7 have been introduced to life at Coburg High, including all the tricky things like using our computer system and organising themselves for five classes a day. Most importantly, they’ve been getting to know their Coburg Connect mentors and classmates through games and activities. Time flies and the year 7s are now electing their student leaders for 2024 and beginning to think about the clubs and societies they can join.
Year 8 are fairly familiar with CHS, but Coburg Connect also aims to ease the transition into mid-high school. The focus so far has been on setting goals for the year and getting to know each other. Year 8 have been completing a varied program depending on the class, with some groups outside cleaning up the grounds while others are working on personal and ethical capabilities including reflecting on the role of community and learning about sleep hygiene. Harry really committed to demonstrating the school value of community and got creative when the rubbish bag was splitting and we were returning from Pentridge.
Year 9 are about to launch into their interclass competition, having already set their yearly goals, elected their student leaders and completed a few games sessions.
Year 10 have pioneered our interclass competition with the inaugural CHS trivia last week. Trivia sections included pop culture, local knowledge, and music. Taylor Swift featured surprisingly often across nearly all of these. Class winners will recieve canteen vouchers and the winning classes have contributed towards the house total. In the meantime, the focus of year 10 has been on building connections through games, setting goals for the year and beginning the health curriculum with the ‘Eat Well’ uni.
Year 11 are well and truly into the VCE journey and Coburg Connect is supporting them with organisation and goal setting. The challenge of year 11 is to begin to look not only at what is happening today or this week, but also the medium and long term. Year 11 have been setting goals, learning where to seek help and support and have had some supervised study time as well. As we move into the busy middle of the term, the focus of CC will turn to supporting students through the busy assessment period with extra support and work time to catch up on homework. Students who are fully up to date with class and homework will be released at 2:27 in weeks 5 and 8, with an extra study hall session for everyone in week 6.
Jaan Butler