The Arts

Miss Jess Cole and Mr John Oldham

Visual Arts

Year 1/2 students have started a unit on Portraiture. 

Students began learning about realistic portraits, ensuring the correct placement of facial features, including the eyes, nose and mouth.

They then looked at the portraits of artist Pablo Picasso, and created portraits inspired by some of his work.


This term, Year 3/4 students are learning about art from different countries and cultures. They started with Ming ceramics from China. 

Performing Arts

Year 1/2 students have been looking at the musical elements of beat and rhythm. They have been playing musical games that develop a strong sense of beat and rhythm.


Year 5/6 students have begun a study of the music genre, rap. They listened to a range of different rap music, completing a Listening Log to identify different strategies the artists used in their music. They have also started working in groups to compose their own rap songs.