Office news

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to eligible families to assist with expenses relating to camps, sport and/or excursions ($150 is payable per student).
If you received the CSEF in 2023, you DO NOT need to complete an application form for 2024, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing.
The school will automatically apply on your behalf.
If you are applying for the CSEF for the very first time, please come into the school office and collect an application form (and provide a copy of your Concession Card) for the school to submit on your behalf.
- To be eligible for the fund, a parent/legal guardian of a student must be a holder of a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veteran Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or be a temporary foster parent. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.
- You must provide a copy of your valid card with your completed application form (first time applications only).
- Cards must be valid on either 19th January 2024 or second eligibility date of 15th April 2024.
- Applications will be accepted up until 28th June 2023, with payments commencing from March onwards.
For more information please visit:
or see Anna in the school office.
Student Medications
Thank you to those parents who have brought in their child's medications to the office or OSHC and signed the necessary paperwork. Over coming weeks we will be reviewing all medical plans and requesting updates as necessary.
Students recorded as having Asthma need to have an updated plan each year. These forms will be sent home shortly to parents who have not yet completed one.
If you are happy with the recommended 4x4x4 method (4 puffs, 4 breaths wait 4 mins, repeat if necessary) a parent signature is all that is required. If your child has a plan different from this, a doctor's action plan is required and the form must be signed by your doctor.
Please return these forms once completed at your earliest convenience so we are able to best help your child should asthma symptoms arise.
Medication Expiry
If your child's medication is close to its expiry date or is running low, the office will contact you either via Compass email or with a phone call to request a replacement.
Compass reminders
Throughout the year we will be posting reminders on how to best use Compass. This issue we look at the importance of using Compass:
- It is extremely important, and is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, to use Compass and to continually check in to avoid missing vital information.
- Turn notifications 'on' in your phone settings, so as to be aware of messages coming through.
- Compass is used for all communications: Newsletters, Events, Class or School happenings, Student absences, Payments, Permissions, Parent Payments, booking Parent/Teacher interviews, Student reports and much more.
- Compass has many helpful uses - Karoo is not currently using all of them but will slowly introduce more as required.
- Passwords may need to be reset every 12months.
- If you have an issue with your Compass not working, please firstly update your App or uninstall then re-install. Any further issues please contact the office or bring your phone in so we can help.
- It is your responsibility to have your App working. Missing an event due to your App not working is solely the responsibility of the user.
- Please keep note of due dates for payment of events - late payments may not be accepted.