Wellbeing and Inclusion 

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann -  Assistant Principal

A warm welcome to a 2024 at Karoo PS!  It has been wonderful to see our school filled with the laughter and joy of all of our students, once again.


The first two weeks back at school have been filled with reconnections, relationship building, and navigating new situations.  We have been so impressed with how our students, families and staff have been supporting each other, as we all work to understand the new routines and expectations of a different year level and a new year.  

Navigating the 'new'

The start of a new year can bring a range of exciting possibilities.  However, it can also be a time of uncertainty, as our students settle into new classes, new structures, new relationships, new learning and even perhaps a new school.  These types of changes can be a source of excitement but also a source of worry or anxiety for many young people. However, if we know what signs to look out for then we can provide students with connections and supports to help them share their uncertainties, navigate the new and learn to embrace change.  

While no two students are likely to have the same responses in these situations there are some keys signs to look out for.  On a physical level a child may increase their fidgeting, be unable to sit still or want to be alone for a time.  On an emotional level they may have strong emotional reactions to activities or events that they previously were calm about.  It is important to remember that during times of change that young people use a large amount of their energy each day just to understand their new world around them. Therefore, often at the start of a school year you may find your child to be more emotional when they come home from school. This is okay,  just give them time and understanding and utilise the strategies below to find what works best for your child.


Ways to support your child through change and navigating the 'new'

  • Open communication, ask your child for their perspective on how they are feeling.  Acknowledge and give words to the feelings.
  • Dedicate extra time to play games together, to give opportunity for connection and conversation.
  • Look at what has changed overall and break it into smaller manageable steps.
  • Review your routines in before and after school and reflect with your child - do they need more structure, quiet/reset time or time with you to help them regulate.
  • Acknowledge and remind them that change can be challenging and that it is okay not to be okay sometimes.
  • Discuss how to focus on one thing at a time.
  • Focus on the positive and identify two or three things that have gone well that day.
  • Remind your child to be kind to themselves (as well as to remind yourself of this too).
  • Share your own experiences of when you have felt worried about change and how you have navigated it.
  • Work with your child to develop strategies when they may feel butterflies in their stomach, such as five finger breathing, listing 5 things they can see/hear, using a fidget, drawing or playing a game.
  • Encourage your child to reach out to their teacher, friends or key contacts at school.
  • Discuss how your child is going with their teacher, as they can share how we use the zones of regulation at school to support social and emotional learning.

Overall, being able to listen and connect your child with the most appropriate supports can help them feel safe and confident and build their capacity to navigate change. 

Karoo PS Wellbeing Supports

At Karoo PS we aim to support students in a range of ways to help them thrive at school.  During the beginning of the year, all our students engage in the 'Start Up' program.  In this program they connect with their new teacher and new classmates and learn about the routines, structures and expectations in their new year level.  This gives every student the opportunity to be set up for a successful school year.


Throughout the year our students will also have opportunities to engage with the range of supports that we offer at our school.  If you know that your child could benefit from further learning or support in a particular area, please talk further with your child's teacher.

2024 Wellbeing Captains.

I would also like to introduce you to our Wellbeing Captains for 2024, Charlize, Indigo, Jack and Layla. They are all looking forward to working with the school community to promote wellbeing this year.  To help support you to start the year off in a positive manner, they have shared what they are looking forward to in their role and a quote to inspire you.


Charlize Khouri

I am looking forward to working with everyone to help their wellbeing.

Quote: 'A positive mind is the key to happiness'


Indigo Woolcock

I am looking forward to helping improve the school to make it a better place.

Quote: 'Mistakes are the key to success'


Jack Krosschell

I am looking forward to making the posts about wellbeing

 and starting everyone's day with the announcements.

Quote: 'Make sure you check in with others, as you never know if they are struggling'


Layla Ellison

I am looking forward to making a difference at our school.

Quote: 'Be the light in someone's darkness'


Parent Education Opportunities

Parenting Anxious Children: 


Have a wonderful fortnight!


Kind Regards, 


Courtney Hoffmann