
Welcome back

A warm welcome back to all our families at SFS. I hope this week has been a positive one for you all and your children have settled back well into the new school year. It is normal for children to feel a bit anxious about the new school year, with some children worrying about their teacher, the work and whether they will make new friends. 


Remember to have daily check ins with your children to talk about how they are feeling. This is a great thing to do as you sit at the dinner table each night. If you have any concerns about how your child is adjusting to come back to school, please do not hesitate to contact me. rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Here are some suggestions that may help you and your child transition back to school in a positive way taken from the Good Grief website, Seasons for Growth fact sheet.



Start shifting back into a routine a week before school restarts: • set wake-times (bed-times will follow – no naps!) • turn off devices an hour before sleep • re-establish breakfast, morning snack and lunch patterns • read books • practice wearing a mask for longer periods (if required).



Giving kids choices can help them feel they have some control. Ask if there is anything that would help them with the first day (such as meeting a friend at the gate or taking a special item in their bag). Get children involved in: • choosing a healthy breakfast • sharing ideas for what to eat at recess and lunch • helping pack their bags • preparing any extra masks or other pandemic-related items



Ensure your child has everything they will need for school this year (e.g., uniform, well-fitting shoes and school bag, plus masks, tissues etc.).



Lay out everything together the day before school starts. Give yourselves extra time on the first morning to get ready and get to school. Perhaps play some music you all enjoy at home or in the car. Take a few deep breaths together before your child leaves the house / before they go through the school gate.


Listen and reassure 

Give your child opportunities to share any worries and listen carefully to their concerns. Reassure them it is okay to feel nervous and/or worried, but try not to share any of your own anxieties. Encourage positivity by reminding your child about the aspects of the school term they enjoy, such as seeing or making new friends, playing sport or beginning a new activity. Model trust, both in the school’s protection measures and in your child’s ability to handle things.



Reconnect over an after school snack or by playing a game together. Acknowledge that some children don’t talk much about their school day, but do provide opportunities for them to share any issues. Try asking if they would like to do anything differently for school tomorrow. If necessary, problem-solve the night before so they can sleep easy.

SWELL week

We begin each new school year with SWELL week. This is a focus on wellbeing when we return to school so that teachers and students can work on building relationships with each other, to help the children create a sense of belonging and to have fun! This week, the students have participated in games and activities to get to know each other .


The students have revisited our PBL expectations of RESPECT, RESPOSNIBILITY and KINDNESS and re-establishing learning routines such as transitions, eating time and Specialists.  The students worked together to begin to create a class prayer cloth which they will add to and use throughout the year to gather and pray.  The students have looked at school procedures and getting themselves organised to start Reading, Writing and Maths focus groups. They have participated in Specialist classes with a wellbeing focus. 



The children and teachers have had fun playing getting to know games as well as mixing the juniors and senior students from the learning space. On Friday, the children participated in an incursion with a dance company called STOMP. Stomp Dance Company delivers innovative, fun and energetic dance and performing arts programs into schools. We have also unpacked our theme for Catholic education “in the light of Christ” with the children and what it means to be a light to others in our school community, home and wider community.



Action for Happiness calendar

The theme for February is “friendly February”. All of the activity suggestions are about building and strengthening relationships. 


Healthy Lunchbox week

With school returning this week, we need to think about packing lunches for our students to bring to school. This can be stressful when some children are limited in the foods that they eat.


Healthy Lunchbox Week is an initiative of Nutrition Australia and aims to inspire Australian families to create healthy and enjoyable lunchboxes.

The initiative provides timely information for families as they return to the routine of daily lunchbox packing. It also supports schools and teachers to share healthy lunchbox messages within their school community. 


Date: Sunday 4 to Saturday 10 February 2024

For more information and some healthy lunchbox ideas and inspiration, visit the following link. https://www.healthylunchboxweek.org.au/


Seasons for Growth

Seasons for Growth is a program which focuses on strengthening the social and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and adults following significant change and loss in their lives. 


If your child has had an experience of change or loss such as death of a loved one or pet, divorce or separation of parents, birth of a new sibling, moving house or some other change which has impacted on them, then this program may help them. 


The program is for children in Year 1 to 6 and runs once a week for 8 weeks in a small group. I am a trained Seasons for Growth Companion, trained through McKillop Family Services. I would like to run some groups this year. If you think your child would benefit or you would like some more information, please contact me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rachel Lenko

Student wellbeing Leader