2025 Session & Break Times
A reminder that in 2025 UHS will move to five sessions of 60 minutes each per day. This change enables us to reduce movement around the school during the day, provides a scheduled weekly space for the Connect program within the regular timetable, and provides additional class time for application and review.
School start and finish times, as well as total instruction time, remain the same as in 2024. The length of recess and lunch breaks also remain the same (75 minutes in total), with 25 minutes at Recess and 50 minutes at Lunch at the Story St campus, the same as in 2024.
There will be a slight variation on the Lonsdale St campus (20 minutes / 55 minutes) to account for that campus' context. In 2025, we will also trial a split lunchtime arrangement one day per week (Wednesdays). On Wednesdays, Year 7&8 students will have their lunch break at the regular time, and Year 10-12 students earlier. This trial will provide for increased play space during lunchtime, and accommodate Year 10-12 students who travel to offsite VET courses on Wednesday afternoons.
Bell times are adjusted on the final day of term to allow for a 2.30pm finish.
The 2025 bell times are attached above.
Ciar Foster - Principal