Student Awards

Students of the Week
Violet O, 2C - for always doing your best to achieve your goals. Your dedication and hard work does not go unnoticed. I am so proud of all that you've accomplished this year!
Charlotte R, 4A - for always being a hard worker! You’re a star Charlotte, well done!
HERRRBy Awards
Ellie H, 1C - for always being a kind and empathetic classmate. Grade 1C really appreciates how you look out for everyone.
Aria G, 3A - for being a kind and respectful member of 3A and for always displaying the HERRRBy values.
Lleyton M, PA -for showing excellent listening skills in the pool. What a super swimmer you are! Great work!
Audrey F, PB - for showing excellent torpedo skills in the pool. You were a swimming superstar. Well done Audrey!
Zac P, 1A - for the great interest, enthusiasm and participation he displayed in class when learning about the effect of humans on Elster Creek. Keep up your passion for learning.
Elliot T and Henry R, 1B - for preparing and presenting a fascinating presentation, teaching us all about our new class pets (stick insects). We learnt so much from you!
Zoey S, 1D - for approaching all tasks with a positive 'can do' attitude. You have produced some terrific work as a result.
Aston N, 2A - for being such an outstanding swimmer at the pool! You are listening so well and swimming like a fish!
Emilia Z, 2B - for perfectly demonstrating the HERRRBy value of resilience during our swimming program. You should be very proud of yourself - well done!
Shiloh S, 2D - for being such an amazing person- kind, friendly, empathetic and positive, just some of her sensational qualities.
Will A, 3B - for the amazing transition he made to Gardenvale Primary School, we love having you in our class!
Lara B, 3C - for her enthusiasm and efforts in rehearsing the lyrics and choreography for the end of year concert. You star!
Ash V, 4B - for being a kind and respectful listener when visiting the residents at Vasey Aged Care.
Hamish M, 4C - for writing creative similes and metaphors during class. Keep up the great work!
Piper H, 5A - for consistently writing outstanding persuasive arguments for her party during class parliament.
Josh G, 5B - for his positive attitude towards life.
Alma K, 5C - for showing remarkable focus and effort in class, leading to exceptional work.
Dylan B 5D - for his outstanding debating skills in 5D Parliament!
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Tanya H, 3A - for remembering and being able to explain the days of the week well in Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Charlie A, 4B - for demonstrating HERRRBY values and working diligently during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Abigail P, PA - for showing excellent listening skills and working with her best effort during Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"
Bella C, 1D - for demonstrating HERRBy values and being a constant contributor during Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Benjamin W, 2B - for writing Hiragana very neatly and accurately during Japanese lessons. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"