
Dear Prep families,
Welcome to Term Four, Week Eight. Our Preps continue to amaze us as they have shown to be flexible learners during Week Seven whilst teachers conducted transition sessions with the 2025 Prep students.
In Reading, students have continued their exploration of non-fiction text features for the purpose of learning new information. Preps continue to practise identifying various key features of non-fiction text such as labels, table of contents, index and glossary to understand the information from the text. Great discussions were had as we read for learning new information to support an understanding of histories, making connections through the lens of our ongoing Inquiry Unit, 'Where We Are In Place and Time'. Students continue to build their comprehension as they answered literal questions using evidence within the text, and inferential questions by bringing their prior knowledge to the topic and interpreting text clues.
In Writing, our Preps have continued to apply their understanding of texts to write a retell of a story. As part of their learning journey, students have been practicing retelling texts they’ve read. Retelling allows students to demonstrate their understanding and creativity, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to strengthen their writing skills—especially when it comes to punctuation. In addition to writing their own complete sentences, they have also focused on rereading their own writing so that they can make revisions and edits. So much fun and learning was had by all!
In Maths, students have embarked on an exciting new inquiry into the concepts of sharing and chance. Through various activities, the children learned that when we share, it’s crucial to share things equally. For instance, when dividing up materials, we discussed how to ensure everyone receives the same amount.
Alongside sharing, students also learned about chance. In simple terms, chance referred to the probability or likelihood that something will happen. When we talked about chance, we thought about the chances of a particular outcome occurring, like tossing a coin or rolling a die. In class, we conducted fun experiments to explore chance. Students rolled dice, picked cards and even flipped coins to see which outcomes occurred more often. This hands-on exploration helped children grasp the concept of probability and chance to understand that some things were more likely to happen than others, while some things were less likely.
Mini Olympics
Our Prep students had an absolute blast participating in the Mini Olympics! The event featured six exciting rotations: kicking a ball into a soccer goal, the egg-and-spoon race, sprints, the sack race, hurdles, and the bean bag toss. It was fantastic to see everyone join in, showcase their skills, and have so much fun!
Christmas Carols
Students have started to rehearse their Christmas Carol lyrics through song and dance. They are extremely excited about the end of year Christmas Carol celebration. Feel free to enjoy practising the lyrics and movements with your child/ren at home and we look forward to seeing you on the night!
In Week Seven, our Prep students revisited the Zones of Regulation, identifying the four zones (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red) and linking them to different emotional states. They explored how emotions influence their thoughts, behaviours, and interactions with others. In Week Eight, students used the Zones to recognise their own emotional states and developed strategies for shifting from a less regulated state to a more regulated one, such as deep breathing, counting, and taking breaks.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered on XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff.
- Classroom doors open at 8.20am and lessons begin at 8.30am. If by change you arrive late (8:40 am onwards) you are required to obtain a late pass from the office.
- Please remember to pack a spare change of clothes for your child. Sometimes, little children can have toileting accidents and spills at school.
- Your child’s iPad is charged and brought to school every day.
- Students are required to be sun smart and wear their school hat when outside. during Term Four.
- If your child can read their sight words, they can try writing them. Once they can write the words correctly, they can move on to using them in sentences.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.