Student Leadership

Dear Saltwater Community,
This week we are excited to announce the completion of the Student Leadership team's latest initiative! Over the last couple of weeks, we have been creating our educational videos to support students from Prep to Year Nine, to use the bathrooms appropriately.
We are committed to empowering our students by amplifying their voices in shaping their learning environment.
Recently, students participated in a survey to share their perspectives on what makes an effective and welcoming classroom. Through this process, students highlighted key elements they value and contributed innovative ideas to enhance their learning spaces. Their valuable feedback will inform the creation of a Classroom Environment Checklist, ensuring all classrooms in 2025 reflect the needs and aspirations of our students.
We are proud of their input and look forward to seeing these ideas come to life!
We created two different videos, recognising that different styles of videos may be more age-appropriate. Here is a sneak peek at what we have been working on and are so proud to share with our community! These videos will be sent out to all classroom teachers and played to ensure a safe and clean environment for all.
Currently, we are also in the midst of creating a morning playlist to play from 8:20 am - 8:30 am, to remind primary students when the music finishes it's time to be in class.
As Student Leaders we identified that students coming late to class has serious impacts on both student learning and interrupting classroom instructions. We are looking forward to our PA system being updated and implementing this new initiative. If you have any song requests, you wish to add please speak to your year-level JSC.
In addition to this project, we are beginning to investigate the data received from our school's Attitude to Schools Survey. Our Student Leader unpacked this data with the support of Mr Mernik and began to explore the many positive responses. We then used this information to think about some areas for improvement, which will be used to guide our work into 2025.
Hi, I am Arush and I am JSC, I wanted to say what I have enjoyed about JSC. I enjoyed the things we saw that students could not see and I’ve enjoyed how we have thought of new ideas to fix issues around the school like the school toilet issues. I have enjoyed the different fun activities at each meeting.
Now, I would like to give advice for future JSC, never overthink it. When I got to become JSC I overthought it, and I thought it would be scary with all new people and seeing higher-grade kids. It's fine, you would normally see nice people in your meetings.
Lastly, I would like to mention some goals for future JSC:
- Firstly it seems like the toilets are still the same disgusting and horrible, so let if you can accomplish this and this and resolve this if stays the same
- Secondly, you guys should fix future school errors for a better school future.
- Lastly, I would like for guys to resolve is finding a way to stop bullying/racism.
We look forward to continuing this work.
- On behalf of the Student Leadership Team.