Year Nine

Wood Technology
This Semester has seen our Year 9 students complete their handy carry caddy projects. These caddies are handy for storing and carting around cleaning products or even shoe polish and brushes. Students worked on their projects both individually and in teams to construct a carry caddy. They followed guided instruction as well as demonstration models to construct their product using both hand tools, power tools and complex machinery. Students used joinery techniques to build their caddy and documented the process in a digital portfolio based on the IB MYP Design process. Please feel free to ask the year 9 wood technology students what processes, skills and joinery techniques they used when constructing their caddy. Excellent work year 9’s.
This term, our Year 9 English students have been deeply engaged in a thought-provoking unit on demagoguery. Through the lens of an inquirer, they explored how demagogues use language to communicate power and influence audiences. This unit encouraged students to think critically and creatively, extending their understanding beyond the political sphere to uncover demagogic techniques in other contexts, such as social media and pop culture. Their ability to make real-world connections and analyse complex ideas demonstrates their growing maturity and sophistication as critical thinkers.
As we transition into the final weeks of the term, students will embark on an exciting new unit focused on slam poetry. This unit will challenge them to channel their creativity and personal experiences into powerful performances. With a direct connection to their Humanities study of Civil Rights, students will have the opportunity to use their voice to explore themes of identity, justice, and freedom, drawing inspiration from historical and contemporary movements. We look forward to seeing their passion and understanding come to life through this expressive and dynamic form of poetry.
Financial Literacy
As we approach the final stretch of the 2024 academic school year, the students continue enhancing their financial literacy knowledge and understanding.
Over the last few weeks, students have explored Robert Kiyosaki's work and his famous book, 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'. We discussed the book's key points to help them understand the differences between assets and liabilities and the importance of building financial literacy at a young age. We also explored an entrepreneur's mindset in critically analysing the conventional teachings of acquiring wealth and money.
Over the last fortnight, students have also been introduced to the concept of assets and the potential rewards and risks associated with common forms of assets.
The Financial Literacy students are currently participating in a simulated stock trading game run on Investopedia. We are authentically demonstrating to students the key concepts and strategies involved with stock trading. We've covered key terminology such as profit and loss, buying and selling, dividend yield, and some simple technical indicators and strategies such as RSI, Bollinger Bands, MACD and dollar cost averaging.
The gauntlet has been thrown: Mr. Ma will offer a free lunch to any student whose balance exceeds his at the end of the Financial Literacy course. Best of luck!
Health and Physical Education
This term, Year 9 students are exploring the dynamic sport of lacrosse, focusing on teamwork, skill development, and the strategies required to succeed in this fast-paced game. Students are learning the fundamentals of passing, shooting, and defensive play while also improving their communication and collaboration skills on the field.
In addition to lacrosse, the curriculum emphasises the importance of personal safety, both on and off the sports field. Through discussions and activities, students are developing strategies to protect themselves in physical activities and daily life. Topics include recognising risks, making safe choices, and promoting a culture of care and respect within their peer groups.