Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
It's hard to believe we are almost at the end of the school year. We still have so much wonderful learning to do and we are all looking forward to our upcoming Christmas Carols event. All the children have been busy practicing their lyrics and dance moves and they can't wait to share their talents with you.
Throughout our reading lessons the students have been developing their comprehension skills by understanding the author's purpose and identifying the main message or idea in a non-fiction text. Students have been exploring a variety of non-fiction texts that relate to our Unit of Inquiry. These texts have helped students deepen their understanding about disasters and why they happen.
Students have been exploring noun groups and connected adjectives to help them add more description to their writing. Students have continued to develop their understanding about the writing process. They had to plan their writing before writing their draft for a disaster narrative. Before publishing students had to revise and edit their work.
In mathematics, the children have been investigating and ordering how much water different containers can hold to deepen their understanding of volume and capacity. Students have been extending their knowledge about units of measurement by exploring the concept of mass.
Students have continued to investigate the central idea 'The world works together to support communities responding to disasters.' The children have been learning about ways to stay safe during different types of disasters. They had to role play a variety of scenarios like moving to higher ground for a tsunami, covering their mouth and nose and evacuating to a safe place when there's a volcano or bush fire. They demonstrated the brace position and staying calm in the event of a plane crash. They practiced the drop, cover, hold position for an earthquake.
Mini Olympics
Students had the opportunity to participate in the mini olympics and they had an absolute blast. There were six rotations which included; kicking a ball into a soccer goal, egg and spoon race, sprints, sack race, hurdles and bean bag toss. It was wonderful to see all children participate and have fun.
Christmas Carols
This is a friendly reminder that Christmas Carols for Timetable B will be on Monday the 9th of December, and Timetable A on Tuesday 10th of December. Both carols will begin on the school oval at 5:00pm and conclude at approximately 7:00pm.
Environment Team
Some of our students have been showing initiative by picking up rubbish during recess and lunch to help keep our school clean. It’s great to see their enthusiasm as they work together to care for our environment. Their efforts are making a positive impact, and we’re so proud of their dedication!
- Please remember all children must be wearing their school hats in term 4.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- Students should be reading a minimum of 10 minutes nightly and recording it in their reading diary.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
- Check Xuno and Schoolbox regularly for any Christmas Carol updates