Teaching & Learning

Dream Big

One of the philosophical values for Dream Big this term has been about identifying, designing solutions for challenges that we in the Croydon SDS community regularly face. As a school community we identified that we ended up with a lot of cardboard waste. Cardboard being the versatile material it is, the focus for the term has been how we can reuse cardboard, from the three R’s of recycling, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Each week this term we are utilising tools that are specifically designed to work with cardboard. The first week we used the cardboard saw, focussing on using the forces of push and pull to cut through the cardboard. The second week we added the perforating tool to the mix, this required students to use a bit of force to make the first puncture. The third and final tool so far is the screwdriver and screw, which add a contrasting bright blue screw to the brown cardboard that can be used to fasten multiple pieces of cardboard and to decorate the cardboard. 


So far the students have already come up with some creative designs at such an early stage of getting familiar with the tools, we can’t wait to see how it all develops over the rest of term.