Level 3
This week in reading students have been honing their predicting skills. We have read a range of texts and used the structure, 'I predict that...because...' and then 'What really happened was...' Our focus has been on providing evidence from the text to support our reasons.
In writing, our focus has been on persuasive texts. Students have chosen topics that they are passionate about and have planned, drafted and edited these pieces over the last week or so. During our lessons, we have been learning how to use persuasive techniques to convince our audience. 3BB particularly enjoyed debating about whether it is more important to learn to swim or learn to read. You'll see in the photos the passion on their faces as they argued their case!
This week we have revisited place value. Students have enjoyed playing lots of place value games and problem solving using numbers to 10,000 and beyond. It was difficult to tear one group away from their task, even as lunch time was approaching. They were so invested in solving their number line problem, putting their heads together and using calculators to check their answers that they refused to get their lunches before getting to the end! Now that's engagement! These boys demonstrated wonderful teamwork and resilience, and added several gems to our class jar.
There has been a buzz of excitement in the air in Level 3 when it comes to our inquiry project this term - we are sure you've been hearing about it at home too! The students are absolutely loving constructing their theme park rides, applying what they have learnt about forces. The imagination on display is incredible and the students are collaborating effectively in their groups.
Last Wednesday our whole school came together for the Colour Run. The kids in 3BB had huge smiles on their faces as they ran with their friends in this colourful community event.