Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
Students in Level 6 have been working on their scrapbooks and each different writing piece. In between the 7 texts that have been composed, students have chipped away at the construction and designing of each individual year of school. Looking back at photos from over the years has been an enjoyable experience, as well as sparking various emotions as they reminisce on their journey at HEPS which evokes many memories.
This week, we started revision and targeting areas in Maths that have been taught during the year. Early in the week we looked at worded problems and how to tackle these. The language that often sits with each question and how to approach them have been a focus. Students explored a method of problem solving called ‘CUBES’ as well as brainstormed the language of each of the 4 processes/operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It has been fascinating seeing the different approaches students come up with and apply to these types of problems.
During the term, Level 6 has been focusing on delivering the Respectful Relationships topics which have centred around concepts of gender. This week we moved our focus towards online safety – bullying and screen time, especially as the students near the end of primary school life and step closer to having a phone. Understanding online behaviours, how negative actions impact others and our role as an ‘upstander’ not bystander when these types of behaviours present are key ingredients to a healthy online world.