Level 5
Colour Run
Colour, water, slime, fun and laughter!! How amazing was the colour run! It was such an incredible event and a wonderful fundraiser for our school.
In Reading this term, we have been focused on an engaging mentor text called ‘The One and Only Ivan’. It has been wonderful being part of rich, deep and often passionate discussions about important themes such as animal cruelty and rights. The book links beautifully to our Inquiry topic of ‘Discovery’ as we research different animal adaptations, habitats and features. We have been using thinking routines to understand the text on a deeper level and respectfully debate and challenge each other’s ideas. We are continuing to focus on developing our speaking and listening skills through a daily ‘six minute’ podcast which has been full of twists, turns, suspense and surprises.
In our writing sessions, students are learning about the features of different letter forms such as formal and informal. We have been writing to special people in our lives and expressing our gratitude.
In Maths, we are concentrating on money challenges and have been exploring discounts and party planning. This week we have started learning about cartesian planes and grid references. We have been encouraging students to show their working out and justify their answers.
Respectful Relationships
In Respectful relationships our focus has been on putting out friendship fires and understanding our emotions. The construction of our dioramas has been so much fun with students creating their own unique animal and plants that have adapted to the environment. We would love to invite you to come and see them on Friday the 13th in classrooms at 3.15pm. Please make sure your child has a hat and water bottle at school as the weather heats up.
Important dates:
Monday December 9th - Aim high assembly awards 9.00am
Monday December 9th - Twilight concert 6.00pm-8.00pm
Friday December 13th - Diorama expo 3.15pm (Parents welcome in classrooms to look at dioramas)
Monday December the 16th - Leadership badges presented 9.00am at assembly
Thursday December the 19th - Meet the teacher transition 9.15am -11.00am, Class parties and Reports go live to parents.
Friday the 20th Last day of school. Pick up 1.30pm.
It has been beautiful reflecting on a fabulous year!
Thank you for all your support,
Level 5 teachers 😊