Performing Arts

Narelle Vella
Performing Arts Coordinator
Congratulations to Cast A and B students who really Stepped Right Up! and made this year's concert truly spectacular. The students who participated in the Circus Skills Program loved every minute of it. Thank you to all the students and their teachers for practising so enthusiastically in the lead up to the big event.
Cast A
Cast B
Special thank you to Mrs Lomas and her helpers for the amazing (sugoi) decorations in the gymnasium foyer.
Thank you to all the Year 6 students who between them: hosted, were runners, set out the shoes for every class, provided the pre-show entertainment, did the pre-show announcement, created the program, set out and cleaned every chair that the audience sat on and made thank you cards and organised the rest of the school to sign!! What a team effort!!
And finally, a HUGE thank you to Maddy Burke and the team from the Circus Crew who put the whole show together for us.