School Noticeboard

Week 6
Clancy Bird - Reading before school every morning
Kylirrah Rotherick - Giving her best all the time
Grace Giltrow - Trying hard to project her voice when speaking to an audience
Chelsea Hiles - always willing to help others
Zach Dobson - Student of the week
Connor Hiles - Principal Award
Tameera Sharpley - Student of the week
Week 7
P12 class - for outstanding behaviour at the Dalby Excursion on Friday
Principal's Awards
Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence line :46650276
Kindy News
We enjoyed going on our first excursion to Dalby Museum with the P-2 children. It was wonderful to see the blacksmith at work showing us how to make different objects. Elaine showed us around all the buildings including Dalby's first jail and an old school room - with a cane. We all enjoyed exploring some old farm machinery and Wayne took us for a ride on the train. Next we had lunch at the town park. It was great to see Mrs Brown and Sarah Conway in Dalby. Mrs Brown gave us an icy pole before we got on the bus to come home. We all had a great day.
Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by
2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.
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