Student Representative Coucil

SRC Week 8 Update 

Tai Chi Tuesdays 

To promote well-being at STMM, we introduced a 5 minute Tai Chi session every Tuesday morning. Selected SRC students have been leading their peers through the movements, starting the day with focus and a sense of calm. Well done to all the students for joining in. (Tate - Year 5)

STMM Movie Night  

On Friday, we had movie night at school. We could eat popcorn, pizza and lollies. There were lots of fun activities and we had red carpet photos. I dressed up as Elsa. It rained lots, but we had fun watching Elf.  

(Emma K - Year 1) 

Shoe lace Tying Incursion  

 This term Kindy, Year One and Year Two had an incursion about how to tie your shoe laces. I think this was important because once you get into Year 3 or higher there aren't many shoes sizes with velcro. Some of the Kindy's found it difficult because they are still young. I found it interesting but I prefer to tie my shoes in a different way! 

I have enjoyed being the SRC for the last two terms even though I was away for five weeks on an overseas holiday! I recommend that other kids put themselves forward for SRC in the future. (Zoe - Year 2)


Centennial Park Excursion  


We have loved learning all about space and the rock cycle during our STEM lessons. Tomorrow Years 3 and 4 are going to Centennial Park to investigate natural and rocky environments and work on our mapping skills. We can’t wait. (Anais - Year 3)