Victorian School Nursing Program

The Department of Education’s Primary School Nurse Program
The Department of Education’s Primary School Nurse Program (PSNP) has transitioned the School Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) to an online platform, ensuring secure and confidential data collection.
The online SEHQ offers a convenient option for parents and carers, improving information security and workflow for Primary School Nurses. The PSNP service remains unchanged, requiring no additional work for schools.
Postcards with a QR code and link for online SEHQ access, along with communication templates, will be provided to schools for distribution to parents/carers of Prep students.
Paper-based SEHQs are also available upon request.
In term 4 the school nurse will be visiting our foundation students. The school nursing program is an extension of the child maternal health nurse that you may have visited during your child's early years. More information will go out in the near future.
For more info the link is below: