Classroom News

We have had another busy couple of weeks in Prep!
In maths we have started looking at Ordinal numbers and have been having some different races to decide who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th!
We have nearly finished Stage 4+ of Little Learners and the Preps have been doing a great job learning their sentences and sounds!
We have been continuing to work on Persuasive writing and the topic for this week was 'Try to convince Mr. Mahoney of something that the school needs'. The Preps came up with some brilliant ideas like a new swimming pool, a bike track and a jumping castle!
We are super excited about our excursion to The Messy Patch next Wednesday and hope that everyone enjoys the long weekend!
Gemma Blake
Adam Garner
Can you believe that we are at the half-way mark of Term 4 already? The students have been working so hard and we are so impressed by all of the results we are seeing from our formal assessments. We have lots of exciting things coming up towards the end of the term, so please pop these dates on your calendar.
On Monday we will have our school closure day, followed by the public holiday on Tuesday for the Melbourne Cup. As a result, there will be no school on the 6th and 7th of November.
The students in Years Prep and 1 will be so excited for their activity night on Monday 13th of November at 3:15 - 5pm. The teachers have been busy planning a range of tasks for the children to enjoy.
On Friday 17th November our Prep - 4 students will be participating in our P-4 Activity Day. The Year 1s will be heading off to Elliminyt Primary School and the Year 2s will be based at our school. The students move through a range of activities with students from other primary schools in the local area. This is sure to be an enjoyable day.
As the year is coming to an end, our Year 1 and 2 students are preparing for their final Prayer Gatherings. The Year 2s will present their Prayer Gathering, 'Peace' on the 1st December and then the following week (8/12) we will see the Year 1s share on the theme of 'Joy'.
In maths the Year 1s are finishing off their unit of work on multiplication and division while the Year 2s are looking at money and moving back into number lines.
Next week we will have our final writing assessment for the year. The students will be asked to write a recount on a given topic. We can't wait to see them show off their amazing writing skills.
Kascha Popping
Leah Martin
Miriam Collins
Matt Absalom
Emma Roberts
Kerryn Williams
In the 3/4 learning space we are re-visiting persuasive writing.
We are looking at printed advertisements, television advertisements, and listening to radio advertisements, to figure out what it is exactly that persuades an audience.
The continents of Africa and South America feel a little less distant and unknown, now that we have dug right into their location, countries, biomes, and plant and animal life in comparison to our own. We are proud to say that most of us can now locate Africa and South America on the world map!
In Numeracy the Year 4’s have a focus on measurement, learning to measure items for length and mass. Year 3’s have been revising the content learnt in Numeracy so far this year, before moving onto shape.
Year 3 combined Prayer Gathering Friday 10th November- Remembrance Day
Year 4 combined Prayer Gathering in Week 7
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Lauren Ryan
Meg Knight
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
The senior area of the school has been quite busy of late. We have had sports days (basketball, golf, cricket), visits from AIS athletes, Day for Daniel, and learnt all about drug education and puberty.
Well done to our girls basketball team who won the Greater Western Basketball competition last week. They will now head to Melbourne to compete in the state title! Back in the classroom we have been busy finishing off units and beginning new ones before reports go out in a few weeks time. Our Numeracy sessions have focused on probability and chance, Literacy sessions on openers, sentence structure and grammar, Religion on Solidarity and Inquiry on Health.
Well done to the grade 5’s on their prayer gathering last week and the grade 6’s who held their final prayer gathering at St Mary’s yesterday afternoon. There were tears of joy felt around the church for both prayer gatherings.
Last week we also held our Day for Daniel, recognising child safety and it was great to see everyone dressed in red. Finally, just a reminder that this weekend is a four day weekend. Students have a pupil free day on Monday and school will be closed on Tuesday for the Melbourne Cup.
Anna Hinkley
Paula Parish
Jade LoRicco
Dan Cannon
Susie Scott
Maegen Potter