Religious Education News

On Sunday morning Vinh Phan celebrated his Confirmation and Eucharist and Yvonne Elia celebrated her Confirmation. We congratulate them on completing their Sacraments of Initiation.
Bishop Paul Bird
Next Saturday, 11th of November, Bishop Paul Bird will be attending the 6pm Mass at St. Mary’s. All are welcome to attend and we invite the sacramental children from the past two years to attend and receive a blessing from the Bishop.
Mission Day
It was a wonderful Mission Day and the students raised $1830 for Catholic Mission. As a school we endeavor to support Social Justice initiatives that fit with the Catholic Identity of the school.
All Saints Day
Yesterday was All Saints Day. This day is in an opportune time to consider the example saints offer us today and how we can live by their example.
Prayer Gathering
Yesterday afternoon the Grade 6 students led us in beautiful prayer at the church.
Next week The Grade Three students will lead us in Prayer for Remembrance Day.
All welcome.
Jayne Brumby
Tanya Stewart