
College Performance for 2024 and St Norbert College Dance Team Auditions

Just Macbeth by Andy Griffiths


We are underway with our performance for 2024.  Our first meeting for the play was on Tuesday this week and saw the gathering of an enthusiastic and dynamic team – we shared loads of laughter and creative ideas during this first reading of the script.


Congratulations to all students who auditioned and received a role.  Students are to be commended on the high standards of skill evident during auditions and their commitment to coming along prepared with a professional approach to this initial process.

The creative team is made up of student actors, musicians, property managers and set creatives, dancers and behind the scenes will be those assisting with costumes and other design elements. 


The set is designed and construction has commenced.


We are excited to be up and running to produce a lively and entertaining show for the St Norbert’s Community.


A huge thank you to the staff and parents who are supporting students in this creative endeavour.




Ms K Cassidy

(Head of Learning Area - The Arts)

Dance Team Auditions


It's audition time for the St Norbert College Dance Teams! This year, we're holding a combined audition for Junior, Senior, and Hip-Hop Crew in Week 6. 


Here's how it works:

  • Register to receive a link to a short routine you'll need to learn.
  • Present the routine in groups on the audition day.
  • The co-curricular dance program offers experienced dancers in Year 7-12 the chance to enhance their skills and perform at various events throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Wednesday mornings (7:40am-8:30am) for hip-hop crew, Wednesday afternoons (3:30pm-4:30pm) for seniors, and Thursday afternoons (3:30pm – 4:30pm) for juniors.

** Please note: returning members don't need to re-audition; simply write your name on the sign-up sheet**



What:              St Norbert College Dance Teams Audition

When:             Thursday, March 7, 2024 (Week 6) from 3:30 – 5:00 pm

Where:            Dance Studio in Xanten Performing Arts Centre, St Norbert College



  • Register by writing your name, team, and year level on the sign-up sheet in the Xanten Performing Arts Foyer by Thursday, February 29, 2024.
  • Arrive on time on the day to collect your audition number.
  • Wear the College Dance Uniform or PE uniform and bring a water bottle

Please direct any questions by Direqt Message to Mrs Crocker.


Happy dancing!


Mrs K Crocker

(Teacher of Dance)