From the Principal

Ms Sharon Rainford

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College

Welcome back to the 2024 school year to all our families. I hope that the holidays provided quality family time, some relaxation and a slower pace. I acknowledge and thank all our students and staff for coping so well with the extremely hot start to the school year. The weather has created some challenges including the decision to cancel our Community Mass this coming Sunday 18 February. The College has also followed extreme weather procedures including the provision of indoor areas for break times and not permitting the use of the oval on hot days. We ask that students hydrate throughout the day and wear a hat when outdoors including travelling to and from school.


On Wednesday we came together in House groups to share Ash Wednesday Liturgies. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent which is a sacred time of the year for Christians as we prepare for Easter. It is a time of reflection and solemnity. Christians use the forty days to pray, fast and give alms. People often ‘give up’ something but perhaps we can ‘take up’ more prayer and one way we can do this is to commit to attending Friday morning mass at 8:10am! We can fast from social media and perhaps we can give alms or service to others by giving time to others in need-perhaps by helping or providing a meal to family and friends.



The first assembly is always so special as we invite our graduating students back to acknowledge their school achievements. It is with pride that we welcomed back possibly the largest number of award winners.  This year the Class of 2023 had 8 students joining the 95 Club breaking the record of 7 set by the Class of 2019. In summary:

  • 14 students attained an ATAR of 90+
  • 9 Certificates of Merit
  • 4 Certificates of Distinction
  • 201 vocational qualifications were achieved.

The highest award achieved was a VET Exhibition Award (Construction Industries) to Nicholas Kelly who also won a VET Certificate of Excellence. Congratulations also to Luke Seaman who achieved a VET Certificate of Excellence (Automotive, Engineering and Logistics). 


The ATAR Psychology and Religion & Life results from the College placed in the top schools for those courses-well done to the teachers of those courses Mrs Page, Mrs Byfield, Mrs La Vanda and Mrs Silva.



  • Miss Elizabeth Anderson-Health & Physical Education
  • Ms Bernadette Barclay-Education Support
  • Ms Sharon Boyd-Religious Education
  • Miss Rebecca Haderbache-English
  • Mr Andrew Hay-Mathematics
  • Miss Angelina Krleska-English
  • Ms Cecilia Loh-Head of Religious Education
  • Mr Dylan Mason- Health & Physical Education
  • Ms Jennifer Rigg-Visual Art
  • Mr Oscar Roberts-Science
  • Ms Jennifer William-English

We also welcome back Miss Maureen Smith, Mr Greg Hulshoff and Ms Margaret Kyd who return from leave.


I also would like to acknowledge the following staff who move into promotional positions this year:

  • Mr D’Almeida- Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12
  • Mr Ah Fong- Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10
  • Mrs Kippen to Head of Magdeburg
  • Ms Lim to Head of Premontre
  • Mrs Bunyan to Head of Science
  • Mrs Cassidy to Head of Arts
  • Miss Nodwell as Coordinator of Learning Support

I take this opportunity to welcome the 155 Year 7s to the College and to the 12 new students in Years 8-11. It was wonderful to meet the parents and carers of these students at the New Parent Seminar on Monday evening. I hope that it was informative and that the opportunity to meet key staff, especially Homeroom teachers was worthwhile. Thank you to Mrs Tracey La Vanda, Mr Patrick Ah Fong, Heads of House and Homeroom teachers for being a part of this very important evening. It was lovely to see so many parents that are ex-students choosing the College for their children! I share this beautiful message with you all:

“I simply wished to express my gratitude to all the staff and students involved in the orientation, planning and welcoming of the Year 7 students to the College.


As a parent it has been such a joy to see our son settling into his homeroom, new routine and enjoying his new classes.


As an ex-student it solidifies the reason why we chose to trust St Norbert College with our son's education and wellbeing. It gives us peace mind to know he is in such a supportive and positive environment from day one”



Students were excited to begin using the extended and refurbished changerooms and toilets in the O’Reilly Centre. They have been described as comparable to the Ritz Carlton! We hope that the new building will be completed by the end of February and that students will be able to use the four new classrooms by March.



Before the official commencement of school, our Class of 2024 enjoyed their school ball on Monday 29 January at Frasers Restaurant in Kings Park. Thank you to Miss Danielle Pisconeri, Mr Craig Mecham and Miss Karen MaGee for the co-ordination of the Ball.

The Year 12 Information Evening was held via Teams on Monday 5 February with families joining online to prepare for the final year of schooling. Thank you to Mr Roger D’Almeida, Miss Karen MaGee, Mrs Corrina Markich, Ms Cecilia Loh and Mrs Karen Gonsalves for presenting.



  • Mrs Michaela Fitzgibbon (IT Support) who commences a new job
  • Mr Isaiah Walley-Stack (Aboriginal Teaching Assistant) who will become more involved in the Binar Futures.
  • Ms Shelley Nodwell (English Teacher) who commences an EALD role at Aranmore College.
  • Mrs Jess Bone (Health & Physical Education) who commences Parental Leave.

Please spread the word about our Open Day on Friday 1 March. I look forward to welcoming families onto our campus for student led tours at 9am and 1pm.

God bless.

Ms S Rainford
