Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill

When we say we had a ball, we mean we had an ABSOLUTE BALL at Inflatable World last Friday. How lucky are we to celebrate a wonderful year with a day spent bouncing around? Middle Sub School students did JSA proud on their much anticipated excursion to Inflatable World. Alongside their teachers and classroom support staff, students climbed vertical climbing walls, jumped their way through obstacles and navigated a new environment with smiles on their faces. A big thank you to all of our wonderful staff for their work in the lead up to the day, and to parents for preparing their children for an eventful day. We can’t wait for plenty more fun in the coming weeks as Term 4 comes to a close.


A reminder that events coming up include the Colour Run, Halloween and of course the JSA Production.


Room 15

Room 15 have done fantastic work planning, scripting and filming our production performance. We have enjoyed specialist classes such as art, PE and SAKG. We had an amazing time watching and studying Avatar the Last Airbender and look forward to delving deeper into it throughout Term 4. We have farewelled Kiran and wish her all the best in her new job!