Principal's News Flash

Corinne Pupillo
Principals Association of Specialist School (PASS) hold the annual awards ceremony. The state-wide awards recognise an individual or group's outstanding achievements and are judged under ten categories. The PASS Awards also provide recognition and celebrate the outstanding achievements and excellence of people involved in special education in Victoria.
I’m very proud to announce the following nominations from JSA and the categories in which they were shortlisted for.
- Outstanding Education Support Staff: Irene Gacovski. Promoting School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) through the planning and implementation of the Jacana School for Autism Ticket-Draw.
- Outstanding Team Category: Student Engagement Team (SET): Juri Graco - Ilves, Stacie Herman, Steph Di Salvo, Sara Parson, Isabella De Luca, Amanda Hollway, Amelia Frantz, Irene Gacovski, Nina Cerantonio, Daniel Moloney, Rachael Macmillan, Sarah Hill, Linda Wakeling & Lauren Hilton
Despite the amazing work of the Student Engagement Team , we only managed to get Irene Gacovski shortlisted.
The SWPBS is fundamental to keep all students and staff safe at Jacana School for Autism. We teach the expected behaviours of the school through our matrixes, explicit modelling, a common language and reward through PBS tickets. The PBS ticket-draw serves as a major motivator for students to demonstrate the school's expected behaviours of: looking after self, looking after others and looking after property across different contexts (including in the classroom and playground). The PBS ticket draw also supports our student leaders to develop their independence and confidence when leading, as they are supported to plan and facilitate the draw.
Congratulations to Irene, we are excited for you and a table of 10 staff will attend the awards ceremony on Friday 17 November at Marvel Stadium. Good luck.
Staffing - Welcome
As we continue to recruit staff, Im pleased to announce the following staff have joined our team
- Liam Besim - Teacher Aide
- Violette Farag - Teacher Aide
- Rashani De Silva - Teacher Aide
- Gundeep Kaur - Teacher Aide
- Kaylah DeFeudis - NDIS Navigator
- Michelle Ann Davies - Classroom teacher has arrived from the UK and has commenced in Room 17.
A very warm welcome to you all.
Term 4 PUPIL FREE Days:
- Monday 6 November
- Monday 11 December
School Council
School Council met last night and endorsed the following policies:
- Camps and Excursions
- Dogs in School Policy
- Holocaust Policy
- Photographing, Filming and recording adults and students Policies
- VET Policy
If you would like a copy of any of our policies, please don't hesitate to contact reception on 9309 6258
School Council Sub-Committee Representatives
- Finance Sub Committee Representative - Mark Mansfield
- Building and Grounds Sub Committee Representative – Denise Clarke
- Fundraising Sub Committee Representative – Lisa Sette
- School Council Representative on Student Representative Council (SRC)
Reminder: Our newsletter is published each fortnight and will provide you with important information about the school and events that may be of interest to you. I encourage you to read the newsletter that will be sent home via your home email, on the school's Facebook Page or on the school's website.
JSA also has a Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like and follow our pages.
Virtual School Tour
Our virtual school tour is now live on our school website. Please check it out and refer any members of the community to our page.
Unwell Students
Each morning when students are getting ready for school, I ask that you be mindful of how your child is presenting. If they/he/she is feeling/looking/acting unusual or is complaining of being unwell please take them to the doctor. Minimising the cross-infection will assist in reducing the risk of spreading bugs and viruses.
All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.
Make sure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts:
Student absence line: 0439 114 197